Graduating IPS Clients What comes next…
When Is The Right Time? “People are transferred off the IPS team when they like their jobs and no longer feel that they need IPS services. Most people receive job supports from an IPS specialist for about a year.” IPS Fidelity Manual
Too Soon? Thanks for the help! Obviously if a person wants to close services it is up to them. However, people may not understand how it might be in their best interests to continue receiving support from the IPS team.
Reasons People Might Need Follow Along Supports Employment specialists help people keep jobs, not just help people find jobs. 2012 Oregon Survey of IPS Graduates: 6 mos- 3 years post IPS= 69% still had jobs! Benefits planning needs Research has shown that needs will arise most acutely during the first month but there will also be ongoing supports that the ES and tx team can assist with. Can sometimes get them reopened with VR for post- employment services like fixing car, insurance costs, relocation costs, etc.
Lack of Engagement Follow along supports need to be planned for early on. The role of the ES in follow along supports should be brought up occasionally throughout the job search process. If there are problems with engagement prior to a job start, this should be staffed with the supervisor and/or treatment team to brainstorm strategies before a job start is imminent.
Too Long? Are you providing too much support? Are people still on your caseload after having worked at the same job much longer than a year? Plan for self-sufficiency from the beginning of services so that the person is not dependent on the IPS team to maintain their jobs.
The Right Time The person has been working at a job for around a year. They are satisfied with the job. There are no big issues that the person still needs help with (SSA problems, at risk of losing the job, etc.) There are no immediate plans for looking for another job.
Transfer Follow Along Supports Consider what supports you have been providing and who might be the best fit to begin assisting the client with these supports? (Reporting wages, providing reminders, practicing coping skills, driving someone to/from work, etc.) Natural supports- supervisor, coworker, friends, family, mentor, sponsor, pastor, roommate, etc. Peer Support Specialist Skills Trainer Case Manager Therapist Residential Support Specialist
Post Graduation Policy Post graduation policies often include a caveat that graduated clients can be reopened without having to wait on a waiting list. If you don’t have this policy then clients may be more fearful and less agreeable to IPS graduation. Some follow up services can be provided without having to reopen someone to services. Does your IPS program have a policy?
Celebrating Success Monthly or quarterly celebrations Graduation Certificates Article in newsletter Bulletin board How does your agency celebrate client graduation successes?