Process Analysis of the VUMC Oral Surgery Clinic: A Systematic Approach to determining Clinic Access & Efficiency and Space Requirements Shiv Tumkur & Purnima Patel Advisor: Doris Quinn February 15, 2001 BME 273
Purpose VUMC is expanding, and its clinics are finding the need to accommodate increasing demand requirements Our focus is on the Oral surgery Department of the The Vanderbilt Clinic By how much does the clinic need to expand its services to provide optimal care?
Main Objective Completion of a Process Analysis of the Oral Surgery Clinic Process analysis helps to… Define the daily work of the clinic Develop a team that matches that work Determine the optimal use of resources
Goals Identify current level of demand for care Determine the current process of care Pinpoint opportunities to increase the efficiency Evaluate patient and staff satisfaction Prioritize the improvement opportunities
Methods Demand/ Capacity analysis Flowcharting current process Maintenance of a phone log Gather Clinic Data Patient and Staff time study Space analysis
Current Work Identifying current Human Resources Completing activity sheets for all staff Analyzing the space requirements Examining clinic data to determine weekly demand for individual doctors
Future Work Administer patient time study : 02/26/01 Develop Flowchart of process Determine the Utilization Rate Identify overlapping responsibilities
Acknowledgements Dr. Paul King Dr. Doris Quinn Umang Dosi