Perspectives on Revised European Guidelines on Management of Bleeding and Coagulopathy Following Major Trauma
Faculty and Agenda
Key Highlights From the 2019 Guidelines on Management of Major Bleeding and Coagulopathy
Methodology of Guidelines' Development
Recommendation 15: Restrictive Volume Resuscitation Strategy
Recommendation 24: Initial Management of Massive Hemorrhage
Disseminating and Implementing the Guidelines
A Look Back at the 2016 Guidelines on Major Bleeding and Coagulopathy: What Was Working/What Was Not
The European Guideline on Management of Major Bleeding and Coagulopathy Following Trauma: Fifth Edition - Key Changes
Recommendation 32: Antithrombotic Agent Reversal
Recommendation 34: Direct Oral Anticoagulants - FXa Inhibitors
Recommendation 32: Rationale for Antithrombotic Agent Reversal
Recommendation 10: Coagulation Monitoring
Coagulopathy Diagnostic: Viscoelastic Techniques
Recommendation 28: Fibrinogen Supplementation
Promulgation and Implementation of the European Guidelines on Major Bleeding and Coagulopathy
FAST CT Scanning
Treatment Algorithms for Critical Trauma Cases
Role of Guidelines in Trauma Care
S3 Guideline on Treatment of Patients With Severe and Multiple Injuries
European Guidelines: Fifth Edition
Treatment Algorithm Pre-Hospital: Stop the Bleeding
The CRASH-2 Trial: Results of Administration of TXA
Fibrinogen and Hemostasis in Massive Bleeding
The Main Components of the Coagulation Cascade: Key Role of Fibrinogen
Fixed-Ratio Transfusion Protocol vs Goal-Directed Protocol
Treatment Algorithm: Block Lysis, Then Stimulate Clotting
Time Course of Plasma Fibrinogen During the First 7 Days After Trauma Categorized According to the Dose of FC Administered
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)