WELCOME North Ayrshire Care Home Forum Thursday 30 May Greenwood Conference Centre, Dreghorn Add Title Here Add name of presenter here To replace photos right click on image and select ‘Format Picture’ – a new panel will appear on right hand side of page, click on paint bucket, then click on Fill and then select ‘Picture or texture fill’. Then click ‘file’ under ‘insert picture from’ . You can then select the photo you want to use from your photo library. It will automatically appear in the circle Working together in partnership North Ayrshire Council NHS Ayrshire & Arran TSI North Ayrshire Scottish Care
Working together in partnership INTRODUCTIONS Add Title Here Add name of presenter here To replace photos right click on image and select ‘Format Picture’ – a new panel will appear on right hand side of page, click on paint bucket, then click on Fill and then select ‘Picture or texture fill’. Then click ‘file’ under ‘insert picture from’ . You can then select the photo you want to use from your photo library. It will automatically appear in the circle Working together in partnership North Ayrshire Council NHS Ayrshire & Arran TSI North Ayrshire Scottish Care
LITTLE ART SCHOOL Nicola B George Strategic Partner Development Little Art School Trust Add Title Here Add name of presenter here To replace photos right click on image and select ‘Format Picture’ – a new panel will appear on right hand side of page, click on paint bucket, then click on Fill and then select ‘Picture or texture fill’. Then click ‘file’ under ‘insert picture from’ . You can then select the photo you want to use from your photo library. It will automatically appear in the circle Working together in partnership North Ayrshire Council NHS Ayrshire & Arran TSI North Ayrshire Scottish Care
UPDATE ON PHARMACY SERVICES TO CARE HOMES Fiona Sanderson, Julie Lyndsay & Anne Marshall, Care Home Technicians, NHS Add Title Here Add name of presenter here To replace photos right click on image and select ‘Format Picture’ – a new panel will appear on right hand side of page, click on paint bucket, then click on Fill and then select ‘Picture or texture fill’. Then click ‘file’ under ‘insert picture from’ . You can then select the photo you want to use from your photo library. It will automatically appear in the circle Working together in partnership North Ayrshire Council NHS Ayrshire & Arran TSI North Ayrshire Scottish Care
As part of GP contract these are core services – care home reviews and polypharmacy reviews feature in this.
Over the last 12 months continuing recruitment has seen more techs being placed in GP practices and allowed us to develop the role.
Nobody wants to be told that they can’t have the medication they need because it is too expensive. We want the best care for everyone, but every pound wasted is a pound that could be spent elsewhere Reducing medicine waste will save the NHS money that can be spent on other areas of patient care. Estimate how much you think is wasted per year in the NHS ?????
This is what saving money on wasted medicines could go towards This is what saving money on wasted medicines could go towards. Money better spent. This affects each and every one of us These figures don’t take into consideration of medication that is not taken correctly. Taking medication incorrectly can lead to making symptoms worse, more medication being prescribed or perhaps a hospital admission
This is what saving money on wasted medicines could go towards This is what saving money on wasted medicines could go towards. Money better spent. This affects each and every one of us These figures don’t take into consideration of medication that is not taken correctly. Taking medication incorrectly can lead to making symptoms worse, more medication being prescribed or perhaps a hospital admission
Serevent inhaler £35.00 Trazodone liquid £120.00
Returned medication ready for disposal from one community pharmacy, collected on average monthly.
Working together in partnership North Ayrshire Council NHS Ayrshire & Arran TSI North Ayrshire Scottish Care
UPDATE FROM CAPA Isabel Marr Senior Manager, Long Term Conditions, NAHSCP Add Title Here Add name of presenter here To replace photos right click on image and select ‘Format Picture’ – a new panel will appear on right hand side of page, click on paint bucket, then click on Fill and then select ‘Picture or texture fill’. Then click ‘file’ under ‘insert picture from’ . You can then select the photo you want to use from your photo library. It will automatically appear in the circle Working together in partnership North Ayrshire Council NHS Ayrshire & Arran TSI North Ayrshire Scottish Care
Working together in partnership NEWSFLASHES Add Title Here Add name of presenter here To replace photos right click on image and select ‘Format Picture’ – a new panel will appear on right hand side of page, click on paint bucket, then click on Fill and then select ‘Picture or texture fill’. Then click ‘file’ under ‘insert picture from’ . You can then select the photo you want to use from your photo library. It will automatically appear in the circle Working together in partnership North Ayrshire Council NHS Ayrshire & Arran TSI North Ayrshire Scottish Care
Working together in partnership CLOSED SESSION Add Title Here Add name of presenter here To replace photos right click on image and select ‘Format Picture’ – a new panel will appear on right hand side of page, click on paint bucket, then click on Fill and then select ‘Picture or texture fill’. Then click ‘file’ under ‘insert picture from’ . You can then select the photo you want to use from your photo library. It will automatically appear in the circle Working together in partnership North Ayrshire Council NHS Ayrshire & Arran TSI North Ayrshire Scottish Care
Working together in partnership North Ayrshire Council NHS Ayrshire & Arran TSI North Ayrshire Scottish Care