(the slicker the better) Project Title PI Name, Organization Description and Objectives Description of the project. What you planned to accomplish Picture/Diagram (the slicker the better) Accomplishments What you really accomplished What you learned What does this technology enable? For ideas, refer to the ESE strategic plan and/or the ESE research strategy at http://www.earth.nasa.gov/visions/index.html Include projected infusion, if you know. Otherwise, include the type of mission that could use this technology. Schedule and Deliverables Major milestones only (date reached in parentheses) Discipline: Choose from one of the following: On-board DP & ISC (data processing & intelligent sensor control) On-board DOA & S (data organization, analysis & storage) DT & NC (data transmission & network configuration) IPC (intelligent platform control) ISA & S (information system architectures & standards) Prototyping TRL=Xin-Ycurrent AIST: Discipline (see slide notes)