St Christopher Primary School Welcome to Nursery 17th June 2019
Aims for tonight To collect completed documentation To share some information about your child’s time in Nursery To inform you about Induction
Staffing Miss Henry – Nursery Teacher and Early Years Phase Leader Mrs Watson- Nursery Teacher Teaching Assistants Mrs Mitchell Miss Burdett Mrs Kooner
Learning in Nursery
Prime areas Specific areas Characteristics of Learning Playing & exploring Active learning Creating & thinking critically Prime areas Personal, Social & Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Specific areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Parent / Carer Partnership Regular communication On-going liaison with the team Sharing learning School website and Twitter feed Keeping us informed
Learning in Nursery Records and Reporting On entry assessments On-going assessment Two year old progress check Five Sessions or more Phone call in Autumn Term Face to face meeting in Spring Term Face to face meeting / end of year report in Summer Term
GDPR (Data Protection) Policy is available to view on the school website Google Forms – consent for photos/website/twitter/local trips Letter in your pack 2 choices per day Bring back in on July 5th Children can change meals We know things taste different Sandwich options each day too
We will open the door 5 minutes before Timings for Sessions Morning Session is 8.45am until 11.45am Afternoon Session is 12.30pm until 3.30pm Wraparound (lunchtime) is 11.45am until 12.30pm We will open the door 5 minutes before
Current Nursery Children Return to Nursery from week beginning Monday 9th September
Induction – New to Nursery Wednesday 3rd July – Not part of Induction 3rd – 6th September - One to One Meeting New to St Christopher Red Book and 2 year old Progress Check 9th – 13th September – current Nursery ( full sessions as per offer letter) 16th – 20th September - Stay and Play Sessions Sign up for two sessions 23rd – 27th September - Induction Sessions 30th September- Begin Nursery Sessions We may feel it is best for your child to have a longer induction process.
Funding Form 30 hour code
Additional Sessions Additional sessions are allocated on a termly basis subject to availability) Requests need to be put in writing to the office by the end of the half-term . Eg. By October for extra sessions beginning in the Spring Term Sessions will be allocated in-line with our Admissions Policy which is available on the Website. Reminder- 15 or 30 hours are not automatically allocated. These need to be requested.
Before you leave…. Sign up for one to one meeting – 3B Please complete your Parent Declaration form (Funding) Sign up for one to one meeting – 3B Sign up for two stay and play sessions Sign up for two Induction sessions Take your pack! Uniform and PlayPals
See you in September! Thank you