Hamilton County Power Up YOUth Survey October 15, 2008 Drs. Mark Grey and Michele Devlin University of Northern Iowa
Hamilton County Power Up YOUth Survey Evaluation Report: Baseline Data 2008 Total Surveys Returned: 151 Northeast Hamilton 25 16.6 South Hamilton 3 2.0 Webster City 123 81.5 School Frequency Percent Total 151 100.0
Grade 8 43 28.5 10 68 45.0 12 39 25.8 Total 150 99.3 Missing 1 .7 Grade Frequency Percent 151 100.0
Sex/Gender F 81 53.6 M 56 37.1 NA 14 9.3 Total 151 100.0 Gender F 81 53.6 M 56 37.1 NA 14 9.3 Total 151 100.0 Gender Frequency Percent
Age of Onset of Drug Use: Alcohol
Age First Drank More than a Few Sips of Alcohol (8th Graders) Baseline 2008 Percent 2005 IYS Never 28 68% 64% 8 or Younger 3 7% 3% 9 or 10 2 5% 6% 11 or 12 1 2% 14% 13 or 14 7 17% 13% 15 or 16 0% 17 or older % who answered question 41 95% 100%
Age First Drank More than a Few Sips of Alcohol (10th Graders) Never 26 38.2 Age 14 20.6 15 12 17.6 16 6 8.8 13 2 2.9 17 1 1.5 Age First Drank More than a Few Sips of Alcohol (10th Graders) Frequency Percent Total 68 100.0
Age First Drank More than a Few Sips of Alcohol (12th Graders) Frequency Percent Age 17 9 23.1 14 8 20.5 Never 16 4 10.3 15 2 5.1 13 3 1 2.6 11 Total 39 100.0
Age of Onset of Drug Use: Marijuana
Age Tried Marijuana for First Time Grade 8 41 1 43 10 53 2 3 7 68 12 30 5 39 Age Tried Marijuana for First Time Age Never 11 13 14 15 16 17 NA Total 124 4 150
Age Tried Marijuana for First Time (All Grades) 2008 Baseline Percent 2005 IYS Never 124 83% 85% 8 or Younger 0% 1% 9 or 10 11 or 12 3 2% 13 or 14 6 4% 3% 15 or 16 15 10% 17 or older 1 % who answered question 99%
Age of Onset of Drug Use: Tobacco
Age Smoked Whole Cigarette for First Time (All Grades) 2008 Baseline Percent 2005 IYS Never 105 70% 79% 8 or Younger 3 2% 3% 9 or 10 11 or 12 6 4% 13 or 14 12 8% 6% 15 or 16 15 10% 17 or older 7 5% 0% % who answered question 100% 99%
Frequency of Use in Past 30 Days (all grades) At Least One Drink in Past 30 Days No = 74.8 Used Marijuana in Past 30 Days No = 96.7% Used Tobacco in Past 30 Days No = 81.5%
Perceptions of Risk or Harm Feel at Risk Drinking Alcohol Yes Percent No NA Total Grade 8 28 19% 10 7% 5 43 39 26% 1 68 12 15 10% 24 16% 82 55% 62 41% 6 150
Perceptions of Risk or Harm Feels there are risk associated with marijuana and has or has not smoked marijuana (all grades)
Perceptions of Risk or Harm
Perceptions of Disapproval by Parents: Alcohol
Perceptions of Disapproval by Parents: Marijuana
Perceptions of Disapproval by Parents: Tobacco
Attended Party with Alcohol Available
Would it Be Hard to Get Marijuana or Other Illegal Drugs?
Have You Attended a Party Where Alcohol Was Available to You?