Social inequality in Stratford-upon-Avon
Social inequality in Stratford-upon-Avon Town summary: From 2001 – 2011, the population of the town increased by 5,300 (24%). Alveston had the biggest increase (44%). 21% of the town are now aged over 65 and there are fewer people than the national average under the age of 40. Larger more rural areas of the town suffer most in terms of distance to amenities and access to services esp. Alveston Hill The ‘UK Consumer Dynamic Database’ identifies 15 groups of household types. SOA has 2 main deprived groups in the town 1. Elderly people reliant on state support (group M) 2. Young people renting flats in high density social housing (group N) while 20% are in group D – Successful professionals living in suburban or semi-rural homes. Older people often have fixed incomes and a greater need for adequate heating. In 2010, 17% of households were considered to be ‘fuel poor’ (national average = 16%). From 2009 – 2013 there were 193 cases of debt problems in the town. 42% of these were on Maybird and Stratford Mount Pleasant East. House price growth has outstripped growth in earning in the past decade resulting in a decline in home ownership from 76% in 2001 to 72% in 2011. Renters are less financially secure and more likely to fall into poverty. The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a nationally recognised measure of deprivation. There are no LSOA’s in Stratford within the top 30% most deprived areas in the UK but there are 2 in the top 30-40% = Maybird and Stratford Mount Pleasant East. Task: use the information in the ‘Poverty in Stratford-upon Avon Town’ and ‘Stratford on Avon Equality and Diversity Profile’ documents to identify specific aspects of social inequality in the town. Include details of at least 2 economic issues e.g. unemployment, job availability, benefits claimants, pension credit, household debt and 2 social issues e.g. child poverty, health, crime and antisocial behaviour Annotate this information on your A3 sheet.
Social inequality in Stratford-upon-Avon Town summary: From 2001 – 2011, the population of the town increased by 5,300 (24%). Alveston had the biggest increase (44%). 21% of the town are now aged over 65 and there are fewer people than the national average under the age of 40. Larger more rural areas of the town suffer most in terms of distance to amenities and access to services esp. Alveston Hill The ‘UK Consumer Dynamic Database’ identifies 15 groups of household types. SOA has 2 main deprived groups in the town 1. Elderly people reliant on state support (group M) 2. Young people renting flats in high density social housing (group N) while 20% are in group D – Successful professionals living in suburban or semi-rural homes. Older people often have fixed incomes and a greater need for adequate heating. In 2010, 17% of households were considered to be ‘fuel poor’ (national average = 16%). From 2009 – 2013 there were 193 cases of debt problems in the town. 42% of these were on Maybird and Stratford Mount Pleasant East. House price growth has outstripped growth in earning in the past decade resulting in a decline in home ownership from 76% in 2001 to 72% in 2011. Renters are less financially secure and more likely to fall into poverty. The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a nationally recognised measure of deprivation. There are no LSOA’s in Stratford within the top 30% most deprived areas in the UK but there are 2 in the top 30-40% = Maybird and Stratford Mount Pleasant East.
Summary questions In a national context, how deprived is Stratford-upon-Avon? £29,600 in Stratford, Warwickshire average £27,600 and national average of £26,200). However, 58% of households earn less than £25,000 and 20% of households earn less than £10,000 per annum. How do levels of deprivation vary within the town? How has the changing demographics of the town impacted the types of social inequality? How has the changing economy of the town impacted the types of social inequality?
(Extension) tasks using ICT Use the neighbourhood statistics website to find out some more information about the Maybird LSOA. You’ll need to enter a postcode for the area: CV37 0HZ and select ‘Lower level super output area’. Try to focus on other statistics which may highlight deprivation in the area. The 2011 Census: Key Statistics (33 datasets) has the most useful data. Add the data to your A3 sheet. Use the Data Shine or CDRC websites and to find and print 2 different maps of geospatial data showing deprivation in SOA. The CDRC website has maps showing the IMD (index of multiple deprivation). Annotate the maps describing the patterns shown.
Map showing areas with a high concentration of: Group M households- Elderly people reliant on state support Group N households - Young people renting flats in high density social housing