If my file system only has lots of big video files what block size do I want? Large (correct) Small
Why bother with index blocks? A. Allows greater file size. (true) B. Faster to create files. C. Simpler to grow files. (true) D. Simpler to prepend and append to files. E. Scott Summers is the X-men’s Cyclops
Which is a metadata consistency problem? A. Null double indirect pointer B. File created before a crash is missing C. Free block bitmap contains a file data block that is pointed to by an inode (true) D. Directory contains corrupt file name (could be argued)
Outer rim (good choice) Inner rim Middle Where on the disk would you put the journal for a journaling file system? Anywhere Outer rim (good choice) Inner rim Middle Wherever the inodes are (also good)
Web requests conform to what model? Many-to-one (mostly) One-to-one One-to-many
Java RMI (remote method invocation) is an example of an RPC system. Yes (it is) No
Why does turning every file system operation into an RPC to a server perform poorly? Disk latency is larger than network latency Network latency is larger than disk latency No server-side cache No client-side cache (deadly)
When you log into a website using an http URL, which property are you missing? Authentication Integrity (yes) Privacy (yes) Authorization (arguable) None
Authorization (arguable) None When you log into a website using an https URL, which property are you missing? Authentication Integrity Privacy Authorization (arguable) None Get rid of authorization for this question.
What attack does this address? Password security Instead of hashing your password, I will hash your password concatenated with a random salt. Then I store the unhashed salt along with the hash. (password . salt)^H salt What attack does this address? Brute force password guessing for all accounts. (yes) Brute force password guessing for one account. Trojan horse password value Man-in-the-middle attack when user gives password at login prompt.
Dweeb Nolife develops a file system that responds to requests with digitally signed packets of data from a content provider. Any untrusted machine can serve the data and clients can verify that the packets they receive were signed. So utexas.edu can give signed copies of the read-only portions of its web site to untrusted servers. Dweeb’s FS provides which property? Authentication of file system users Integrity of file system contents (yes) Privacy of file system data & metadata Authorization of access to data & metadata
If A->B and C->B does A->C? Yes No (true)
Distributed control vs. central control Distributed control is easier, and more fault tolerant than central control. Distributed control is harder, and more fault tolerant than central control. (true) Distributed control is easier, but less fault tolerant than central control Distributed control is harder, but less fault tolerant than central control
Distributed concensus in the presence of link failures is possible not possible (true)
Can the two phase commit protocol fail to terminate? Yes (true) No
In the bully algorithm can there every be a point where the highest number process is not the leader? Yes (true) No
Byzantine fault tolerant algorithms tend to run quickly. Yes No (true)