SLU is a university we like to describe in three sentences:


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Presentation transcript:

My name is ….. and I work at … I’m going to introduce you to SLU with an overview. SLU is a university we like to describe in three sentences: We are a world-class international university. We take on fundamental issues that affect all of us. We make the world a better place.

MISSION STATEMENT SLU develops the understanding and sustainable use and management of biological natural resources. This is achieved through research, education and environmental monitoring and assessment in collaboration with the surrounding community. This is the SLU mission statement. In other words, you could say that SLU is a world-class international university with research, education and environmental monitoring and assessment within the sciences for a sustainable life. We focus on the very foundations of our existence: clean water, living landscapes, sustainable food production, high standards of animal welfare, sustainable cities and bio raw materials that can replace fossil fuels and materials. We bring together people who have different perspectives, but one and the same goal – to create the best conditions for a sustainable, thriving and better world.   For more on our mission statement and our goals, strategies and values, see:

WE ARE A WORLD-CLASS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Research-intensive High scientific quality in our fields One of the world’s top 300 Number 36 of the world’s young universities SLU is a research-intensive university – 70% of the turnover goes to research and doctoral programmes. In international comparisons, SLU ranks very highly. Our scientists contribute to more than 1,600 scientific articles per year. Our publications are among the most cited within our scientific fields. Here are some examples of SLU’s position in international university rankings: Plant and animal science: number 6 in the field of Plant & Animal Science (National Taiwan University Ranking 2018). Agriculture: number 12 in the field of Agriculture (National Taiwan University Ranking 2018). Environment/Ecology: number 18 in the areas of Environment/Ecology (National Taiwan University Ranking 2018). Agriculture and forestry: number 4 in the area of Agriculture & Forestry (QS World University Ranking 2018) Highest marks for scientific quality in: forest mycology and plant pathology, chemical ecology, geochemistry and organic environmental chemistry, forest genetics and plant physiology, molecular plant biology and microbial ecology. (Quality and Impact Evaluation 2018) One of the world’s top 300 universities (2018) and number 36 in the world’s Young University Rankings (Times Higher Education (THE) and the Shanghai Ranking 2018). Read more at:

ISSUES THAT AFFECT US ALL WE TAKE ON FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES THAT AFFECT US ALL SLU works on issues that are fundamental to us as human beings and concern every living thing on earth. Here are a few examples: Sustainable food supply For example adapting to climate change, producing new foods, more environment and climate-friendly food production, urban cultivation, digitilised cultivation, food waste, health issues, consumer issues, business administration and entrepreneurship in the food industry. Clean water and oceans For example environmental toxins, eutrophication, land-based fish farming the wellbeing of fish stocks in water, drinking water, and problems with drought and flooding. Sustainable urban and rural areas For example green roofs, urban cultivation, GIS (Geographic Information System) maps for children, adapting buildings to cope with extreme weather and rising sea levels. Biomaterials and bioenergy Materials and energy that can be used to replace fossil-based products and raw materials, such as starch/cellulose instead of plastics and using bioenergy as a fuel. Animal and human welfare For example antibiotic resistance, zoonoses (infectious diseases transmitted between animals and humans), food and health, green spaces in cities, outdoor life, animal welfare, the importance of companion animals to humans, garden rehabilitation, animals in healthcare. Biodiversity For example predator issues, elk management, invasive plants and animals, how we manage forests and land, the mapping of species and endangered species.

WE MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE Some important areas: climate change, sustainable cities, global health, biodiversity etc. Contributing to the development of low-income countries Data and analyses on which to base environmental decisions Climate-neutral by 2027! Our knowledge creates the right conditions for a sustainable, thriving and better world. SLU is contributing to the achievement of the global sustainable development goals (Agenda 2030), both in Sweden and internationally.   Areas important to SLU are: Climate change – agriculture and forestry must both be adapted to and contribute to mitigating climate change. We are developing sustainable solutions for water management and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Food supply – finding resource-efficient (socially, economically and environmentally) sustainable solutions for increasing global food production, through initiatives such as digitilisation and artificial intelligence. Sustainable cities – to make plans for how to deal with the effects of climate change, such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels, and to develop green infrastructures to help contribute to the health and wellbeing of humans. Bio-based economy – to move from a fossil-based to a bio-based economy requires new solutions and trade-offs, such as issues surrounding land use. Should we cultivate food, animal feed, fibre or energy crops and who decides? Global health – for example, to reduce the risk of the spread of zoonoses and diseases carried by insects and cut down on the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry which could help slow down the development of resistance to antibiotics. Biodiversity and ecosystems – environmental monitoring provides the information necessary for the management and re-creation of ecosystems both on land and in oceans and lakes. Here are a few examples of what SLU is doing to make the world a better place: SLU Global: Central unit that supports research and development projects in collaboration with scientists and universities in low-income countries. Global Challenges University Alliance: SLU collaborates with agricultural universities around the world on the sustainability goals and Agenda 2030, for example on issues such as food supply, bioenergy, sustainable urban development and the climate. Innovations based on information and expertise from SLU make a huge difference to society. SLU’s environmental monitoring and assessment contributes by providing data and analyses on which to base decisions on environmental issues, both nationally and internationally. The whole of SLU is environmentally certified in accordance with ISO 14001 and has the target of becoming climate-neutral by 2027. For more on SLU and Agenda 2030, see: For more on SLU Global, GCUA, see:

EDUCATION Sustainability experts of the future Some 40 degree programmes Many popular international programmes Double the number of students by 2027! SLU students are much sought-after on the labour market and often get jobs straight after graduating. We offer some 40 degree programmes in natural sciences, social sciences, technology and the humanities. We also offer professional programmes such as those that lead to qualifications as an engineer, veterinary surgeon, equine scientist, landscape architect, forestry manager and agronomist. But we also run other programmes such as Biology and Environmental Science and Sport and Companion Animals. SLU offers many sought-after international Masters’ programmes, such as Horticultural Science and Sustainable Food Systems. 3,800 students in 2018: We are working on doubling the number of students by 2027 because we believe that there will be a need for more people with SLU skills in the future. The world needs more SLU students! Read more at:

RESEARCH In natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities Transdisciplinary approach Curiosity-driven basic research Problem-solving studies We have expertise in the natural sciences, but also excellent research in the fields of humanities and social science, and we work with a transdisciplinary approach. We combine strong, curiosity-driven basic research with more specific studies aimed at solving concrete problems, both locally and globally. Some examples of socially beneficial research: Artificial spider silk with potential for use in medical applications. Climate-friendly rice that emits the minimum amount of the greenhouse gas methane during cultivation. Chemical signals between animals, plants and microbes used to control pest insects in areas such as apple orchards. Manual for urban densification Read more:

ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Keeping a check on ecosystems Monitoring Sweden’s land and water Analyses, decision support and advice on sustainable use Method development Open data and web services Citizen science SLU’s environmental monitoring and assessment collects information about ecosystems, i.e. biological natural resources. SLU is Sweden’s largest provider of environmental monitoring services and our expertise is in great demand. Our experts meet the need society has for up-to-date know-how on the sustainable use of ecosystems. We are working on meeting the Swedish environmental goals and the global goals of Agenda 2030 through 12 environmental analysis programmes: Alpine and Arctic Landscapes, Forest, Agricultural Landscape, Built Environment, Lakes and Watercourses, Coastal and Sea Areas, Eutrophication, Non-Toxic Environment, Climate, Acidification, Biodiversity and Wildlife. Environmental monitoring and assessment comprises: Environmental monitoring of all of Sweden’s land and water environments, and follow-up of the EU fisheries policy. Analyses, that result in up-to-date, scientifically-based decision support. Advice on how we should be using natural resources to create the minimum negative environmental impact and proposals for environmental measures. Method development for smarter and more efficient methods of environmental assessment such as e-DNA, remote sensing methods, genomic methods and bioassays. Open data and web services where data, such as that from environmental monitoring and inventories collected over many years, is made accessible, e.g. the National Forest Inventory. Representing Sweden and reporting in international environmental collaborations such as EU directives and international conventions. Citizen science: SLU is an important hub for voluntary reporting of nature observations in Sweden, with the largest being Artportalen (Swedish Species Observation System). SLU’s environmental assessment is leading in Europe on the design of environmental monitoring methods and world-leading in methods for forest inventory. For more, see:

COLLABORATION For the benefit of society Issues that engage Lecturers/collaboration specialists Collaborative centres of expertise and research SLU Holding – innovation support SLU Global – low-income countries Knowledge from SLU is sought-after by everyone from the public in general to decision-makers, the business community, authorities and organisations. SLU’s work involves issues that engage people and are hotly discussed – predators, animal husbandry, land use, organic production, genetic engineering and so on. Our scientists and environmental assessment analysts often participate in media and debates as experts. SLU has a continual dialogue with various stakeholders, especially in agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture, forestry, wildlife management, aquaculture and fishing. Our responsibilities also include veterinary medicine, natural resources and the environment, rural development and landscape architecture. We disseminate our knowledge in various ways: via web news, knowledge bank articles, newsletters, social media, magazines, films, reports, conferences etc. SLU has specially appointed lecturers who are also collaboration specialists with the task of conducting a dialogue with various societal stakeholders in their area of research. We have a number of different collaborative centres of expertise and research and interdisciplinary projects for which collaboration with society is an important part, such as the four future platforms: SLU Future Forests, SLU Future Food, SLU Future Animals, Nature and Health, and SLU Urban Futures. SLU Holding helps researchers and students to convert new findings into innovations and commercial services. SLU Global supports research and education projects for agricultural development in low-income countries. For more on collaborative centres, see: For more on collaboration within Sweden, see: For more on international collaboration, see:

SLU IN SWEDEN SLU is located at three principal locations that are home to our four faculties: Alnarp – the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticultural and Crop Production Science Umeå – the Faculty of Forest Sciences Uppsala – the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science   We also run research, education, environmental assessment and collaborative activities at many research stations, experimental parks and campuses throughout Sweden. We run many international exchange schemes for students and researchers. Read more at:

UNIQUE INFRASTRUCTURE Modern research vessel University animal hospital Research stations and experimental parks Facilities for animal and plant research Databases, biobanks and laboratories SLU has a comprehensive infrastructure which researchers both within and outside SLU can use. Here are a few examples of our unique research infrastructure: R/V Svea research vessel – one of the most modern research vessels in the world, R/V Svea is owned by SLU and was specially built for marine research and environmental monitoring. Operating begins in 2019. University Animal Hospital (UDS) – the University Animal Hospital has many specialists in veterinary medicine in Uppsala. It is the only university animal hospital in Sweden. Field research stations, such as Lönnstorp Research Station and Svartberget Experimental Forest. Facilities for animal and plant research, such as the Swedish Livestock Research Centre in Lövsta and the Biotron in Alnarp. Databases and biobanks: The Swedish National Gene Bankf or Vegetateively Propagated Horticultural Crops and soil, water and environmental data. Laboratories: the Fish Genetics Laboratory at the Institute of Freshwater Research and the Tree Transformation Platform at Umeå Plant Science Centre. SLU also coordinates the two national research infrastructures Swedish Lifewatch and the Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science (Sites). For more on our research infrastructure, see:

ORGANISATION SLU is the only higher education institution that comes under Sweden’s Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation (Näringsdepartementet). The university consists of four faculties with around 36 departments and a number of administrative divisions. It also has a number of collaborative centres. The faculties are called: - Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticultural and Crop Production Science – situated in Alnarp - Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences – situated in Uppsala - Faculty of Forest Sciences – situated in Umeå - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science – situated in Uppsala 
 SLU Holding is a wholly owned subsidiary with the purpose of stimulating commercialisation of innovations and entrepreneurship among scientists and students.   For more, see:

SLU IN FIGURES SLU in figures: 3,700 full-time equivalent students 3,500 million in turnover (SEK) 3,000 full-time equivalent employees 550 doctoral students 200 professors 40 degree programmes For more facts & figures, see:

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