Registration and Abstract Upload Manual Registration and Abstract Upload
The procedure to be followed: Step by step Paper Submission: 1. Registering over the Submission System and getting an ID number and password for each paper. 2. Sending / uploading the abstracts until 28th July 2019. 3. Completing the evaluation of the papers by the Scientific Committee until 31th July 2019 and replying to the researches whether their paper(s) is accepted or refused until 1st August 2019. 4. Uploading the full text of the paper into the system using ID number and password between 2nd August and 26th August 2019 after getting a reply that the paper has been accepted. 5. Announcing the list of the full texts of the papers have been accepted by the Scientific Committee until 31st August 2018. 6. Announcing the Symposium Program on 8th September 2019. Step by step Paper Submission:
“Make Submission”
write your “Submission Title” select “Consent” box write your “Submission Title” “Author(s)”
select “Contact Author” select your “Topic Areas”
write your “Keywords”, copy and paste your “Abstract” create your password. you can write your “Comments” here please check “I’m not a robot” box push the button of “Make Submission”
If you can see this page, your registration is completed. Please notice your ID Number. In order to send your abstract, please use “upload file” link.
In order to send your abstract, pls. use “Upload File” link
write your “Submission ID” write your “Password” with clicking “Dosya Seç” button, please pick up your MS Office Word File and upload. “Format”: pls. select appropriate one, (.doc) or (.docx) format. click “Upload File"
Our system gives different ID numbers to all proceedings. if you can see “Submission ID .. has been uploaded”, your uploading process completed. Attention Please!!! If you would like to send another abstract, you should do all this transactions, starting from the beginning. Our system gives different ID numbers to all proceedings.
You can see your details by clicking, “View File” link.