Round table of Regional Organisations Oslo, Norway 27 June 2018 COMMENTS ON THE REGIONAL PRODUCTS OLACEFS Executive Secretariat
Communication (internal and external) Topics Capacity building Knowledge sharing Cooperative audits Good governance Communication (internal and external) Citizens engagement ISSAI Innovation Environmental audits fomentar la docencia e investigación en las disciplinas relacionadas con la Hacienda Pública y el Derecho Financiero y Tributario, la cooperación con otros centros e instituciones, tanto nacionales como internacionales, dedicadas al estudio de los sistemas tributarios y gasto público, y la formación de especialistas en materias específicas de la Hacienda Pública.
a. Capacity building Comparable products Exchange opportunities Share materials and products online (ASOSAI, EUROSAI, OLACEFS, PASAI, CAROSAI) Capacity building diagnosis of the region (AFROSAI-E, OLACEFS) E-Learning platforms (ARABOSAI, ASOSAI, OLACEFS) Strategy on professionalisation (AFROSAI-E, OLACEFS) Program combining eLearning course and face-to-face course (ASOSAI, OLACEFS) Exchange opportunities Capacity Building Plan (OLACEFS) Educational Management System (OLACEFS) Internship programme (EUROSAI, OLACEFS) QA programme/handbook (AFROSAI-E, CAROSAI)
b. Knowledge sharing Comparable products Exchange opportunities Availability of information sharing initiatives (ASOSAI, EUROSAI, OLACEFS, PASAI) Share information in social networks (AFROSAI-E, OLACEFS) Exchange opportunities Creation of a network of professionals in (OLACEFS). Development of a regional sharing information process on SDG’s (ARABOSAI). Learning management system in final stages of development (AFROSAI-E). Different database to share (EUROSAI).
c. Cooperative audits topics EUROSAI E-commerce; prevention and consequences elimination of floods/of earthquakes/on waste management and utilization; Data Protection; municipality issues OLACEFS (ongoing C.A) governance in Border Areas; Security and Defense in Border Areas (in preparation process); SDG 5 on gender equality PASAI Solid Waste Management; Access to Safe Drinking Water; Sustainable Fisheries; Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies and Management; Public Debt Management CAROSAI Ongoing Parallel Audit
d. Good governance Comparable products Exchange opportunities Publications of reports, guidances and documents. (AFROSAI-E, EUROSAI, OLACEFS). Exchange opportunities Application of the Internal Control Index (ICI) with COSO approach tool, to strengthen internal control areas within SAIs (OLACEFS) Preparation of documents on the role of SAIs in the implementation of the SDGs (OLACEFS)
e. Communication (internal and external) Comparable products Newsletters (ARABOSAI, OLACEFS) Magazine (EUROSAI, OLACEFS, ARABOSAI, CAROSAI) Exchange opportunities Communication policies update (OLACEFS) Communication Strategy (PASAI)
f. Citizens engagement OLACEFS AFROSAI-E Multidimensional index on availability of information to citizens on the institutional management of Supreme Audit Institutions (IDIGI-EFS), and execution of pilots for the improvement of the IDIGI during 2018 Project to develop citizen engagement mechanism in the follow-up to audit recommendations, in the SAI of Bolivia Course on strategies for citizen engagement in SAIs for the follow-up of the SDGs. The course has a virtual phase and a face-to-face phase AFROSAI-E SAI PAC Toolkit - training and e-learning Developing an external communication toolkit Communication training - internal in the SAI and External
g. ISSAI / Standards Comparable products Exchange opportunities Publications of manuals and working papers about ISSAI (EUROSAI, AFROSAI-E) Exchange opportunities Virtual community on professional standards (EUROSAI) Regional course for training moderators on IntoSAINT tool (OLACEFS) Implementation of the IntoSAINT tool in 20 SAIs (OLACEFS) Application of the SAINT model to public sector institutions in the region (OLACEFS) Creation of a microwebsite with relevant information about ISSAIs implementation process in the region (OLACEFS) Webinars on good practices on the implementation of ISSAIs in the region (OLACEFS) Update of the ISSAI Awareness Strategy within SAIs members (OLACEFS) 11 SAIs had implemented SAI-PMF / development of basic and advanced courses on SAI PMF methodology (OLACEFS)
h. Innovation AFROSAI-E EUROSAI OLACEFS: App to gather date for local government audits. MoU with Global fund to fight AIDS, TB and malaria. Training of SAI on Integrated Reporting in accordance with GRI Standards. INTOSAINT in-country training and Participate in most of INTOSAI's technical forums. EUROSAI. Illicit financial flows and Extractive industries Price for the best performance audit report Recognition for implementation by member SAIs to encourage participation and ownership Advance training on performance audit quantitative and qualitative data analysis EUROSAI BIEP (Benchmarking Information Exchange Project) Innovations in EUROSAI (4 booklets and regular newsletter) YES Congress (for young auditors) 3 edition already organized the IV YES is foreseen in 2019 (UK) Hackathon MOOC on Auditing Water Issues OLACEFS: MOOC on the role of SAIs and SDGs MOOC on Performance Audit MOOC on Protected Areas Design Thinking Toolkit
i. Environmental audits Comparable products Joint Audits (AFROSAI-E, ARABOSAI, EUROSAI, OLACEFS) Exchange of experience e.g. on SDGs (Knowledge sharing event) (EUROSAI, AFROSAI-E, OLACEFS) Join coordinated audit on biodiversity (OLACEFS, AFROSAI-E) Exchange opportunities SDG / SDG 2.4 coordinated audit (OLACEFS) Environmental Audit Strategy in process of being developed (AFROSAI-E). Agenda 2030 and SDGs - Compilation of a guideline (AFROSAI-E) State of the region report regarding audit of SDG’s (ARABOSAI) Working Group on Environmental Audit very active (EUROSAI)