Superlative of Superiority (Superlativo da Superioridade)
• Adjetivos monossilábicos (de uma ou duas sílabas terminados em (y), (er), (le) e (ow): Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. Angelina Jolie is the prettiest woman I know.
Einstein was the wisest man. The northeast is the hottest region in Brazil.
• Adjetivos de duas ou mais sílabas: Studying is the most important thing to do. Veja is the most interesting magazine.
Superlative of Inferiority (Superlativo da Inferioridade)
Fusca is the least cool car in my opnion. This man is the least charming person.
Exceptions: Good – Better than– The Best Ex.: Pelé was the best soccer player. Bad – Worse than– The Worst Ex.: Collor was the worst president. Far – Farther than – The farthest Ex.: Japan is the farthest country.