SWRADIO DSIG Highlights from this Meeting: Sunday Tuesday TC Meeting Date: 28 June 2002 Reporting chair: J. Smith, M. McClimens, J. Bickle Group page (URL): swradio.omg.org Group email: swradio@omg.org SWRADIO DSIG Highlights from this Meeting: Sunday Presented Lightweight Logging RFC to RTESS Monday Reviewed SW Radio 2002 roadmap, actions and assignments Got feedback on Software Radio RFP from AB buddy and revised RFP Presented Lightweight Services RFP to RTESS (recommend to issue) Reviewed SR Modeling Conventions and PIM Presented Software Radio and Lightweight Services RFPs to AB Tuesday Presented draft Software Radio RFP to Telecom (recommend to issue) Presented Lightweight Logging RFC to RTESS (recommend to issue) Participated in Deployment and Configuration Submitters and Supporters Meeting (Part 1) Discussion of technology issues D&C spec must address and one candidate contributing implementation Fokus described their Deployment and Configuration requirements Discussed work partitioning by D&C requirement and contributing group OMG TC Status Report , Version 1.1a, omg/2000-12-03
SWRADIO DSIG Highlights from this Meeting (continued): Wednesday TC Meeting Date: 28 June 2002 Reporting chair: J. Smith, M. McClimens, J. Bickle Group page (URL): swradio.omg.org Group email: swradio@omg.org SWRADIO DSIG Highlights from this Meeting (continued): Wednesday Participated in Deployment and Configuration Submitters and Supporters Meeting (Part 2) Discussed work assignments and schedule targeted toward initial submission in Helsinki Discussed group site to support sharing of D&C contributions Thursday Shel Sutton presented a proposal for Geospacial and Imagery Services (GIS) Task Force Discussed Deployment and Configuration RFP to determine the extent to which submissions might meet Software Radio requirements Mapped packages of existing SWR PIM to each D&C mandatory and optional requirement for the purposes of sharing with contributors Presented Lightweight Services and Software Radio RFPs to AB Presented Lightweight Logging RFC to AB
Deliverables from this Meeting: TC Meeting Date: 28 June 2002 Reporting chair: J. Smith, M. McClimens, J. Bickle Group page (URL): swradio.omg.org Group email: swradio@omg.org SWRADIO DSIG Deliverables from this Meeting: SW Radio RFP Lightweight Services RFP Added Time Services Lightweight Logging RFC Future Deliverables (In-Process): Deployment and Configuration Initial Submission Lightweight Services Initial Submission(s) Agenda Items for the Helsinki Meeting: Amendments to Lightweight Logging per 90-day Review Lightweight Draft CCM RFP Presentation OMG TC Status Report , Version 1.1a, omg/2000-12-03