Conduct in the Workplace
What Does Harassment Look Like at Work? Examples of unacceptable behaviors directed towards a protected class that may contribute to a hostile work environment include: Physical Touching, patting, hugging, grabbing, stroking, pinching, kissing Mimicking stereotypical behaviors: pretending to walk with a limp, mocking someone’s prayer rituals, imitation female/male mannerisms - Blocking, cornering, leaning over or aggressively invading another’s personal space” - Making lewd/obscene/sexual/threatening gestures Giving a person a massage Loitering (hanging around) a person for no apparent reason Acting out sexual acts
Verbal What does Harassment Look Like at Work? cont. Making racially derogatory remarks, slurs, epithets or insults to describe someone or a group Telling, laughing at or encouraging sexual jokes Teasing someone about a religious practice Making fun of older workers or teasing someone about how old they are Mocking someone’s sexual orientation in behavior Whistles, catcalls, smacking lips Asking questions/commenting about your own or another persons sex life Referring to a female in inappropriate ways:, hottie, slut, ho, babe Referring to a male in inappropriate ways: stud, pimp, girly-man, beefcake Comments about a person’s looks, anatomy and clothing Repeated unwanted sexual invitations Sexual innuendoes, suggestive comments, sexual teasing Making fun of someone’s accent
Visual What does Harassment Look Like at Work? cont. Displaying posters or similar material that objectifies or devalues an individual on the basis of protected class status Making gestures which may be viewed as lewd by some cultures and that are not necessarily common in the workplace Facial expressions: winking, licking lips, throwing kisses Sexual “gag” presents Unwanted written materials: cards, love poems, letters, obscene notes Posting or circulating derogatory posters, cartoons or drawings in any media that devalues on the basis of protected class Tattoos or clothing that are offensive based on protected characteristics (logos, statements, symbols, etc.)
Electronic Sending, forwarding, or receiving material with discriminatory themes (email, fax, web link, intranet, internet) Visiting pornographic websites Visiting websites whose content devalues an individual or group based on their protected class Producing offensive comments through copy machines, email, fax or other electronic media Postings on social media sites or personal blogs
Sexual and Other Harassment; Unprofessional Conduct The Company is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination, harassment and other unprofessional conduct. Unwelcome or unprofessional actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, disability or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. You must exercise your own good judgment to avoid any conduct that may be perceived by others as harassing or unprofessional. The following conduct could constitute a violation of this policy:
unwanted physical contact racial or sexual epithets derogatory slurs Sexual and Other Harassment: Unprofessional Conduct – cont. unwanted physical contact racial or sexual epithets derogatory slurs off-color jokes ridicule or mockery insults or put downs sexual innuendoes comments about a persons body propositions
unwanted prying into a person’s private life Sexual and Other Harassment: Unprofessional Conduct – cont. leering unwanted prying into a person’s private life graphic discussions about sexual matters suggestive behavior, sounds, gestures or objects intimidation threats derogatory or off-color posters, pictures, symbols/images, cartoons or drawings Interference with work performance
Any employee who wants to report an incident or concern should Sexual and Other Harassment: Unprofessional Conduct – cont. Any employee who wants to report an incident or concern should promptly report the matter to his or her supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable or the employee believes it would be inappropriate to contact that person, the employee should immediately contact any member of Management, or the Human Resources Department. Reports or concerns will be investigated and addressed promptly. Employee can raise concerns and make a report without fear of reprisal.
Any Supervisor or Manager who becomes aware of possible sexual or Sexual and Other Harassment: Unprofessional Conduct – cont. Any Supervisor or Manager who becomes aware of possible sexual or other unlawful harassment should promptly advise any member of Management who will then handle the matter in a timely and confidential Manner.