“Sustainability Standards” Morag Webb, Policy Advisor, Coleacp
2nd Pacific Agribusiness Forum Sustainability Standards August 2016, Apia Sustainability Standards
Private Sector Not-for-Profit Association ACP/EU COLEACP Private Sector Not-for-Profit Association ACP/EU Established 1973 “Contribute to poverty alleviation and food and nutrition security through sustainable agricultural value chains”
The Layers of Standards National, International Regulatory Private (Pre-competitive) (Differentiation) National, International GLOBALGAP Rainforest Fair Trade
SUSTAINABILITY: Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland, 1987) From: The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI)
Fifteen Years of Standards Good Agricultural Practice Globalgap Good Manufacturing Practice BRC SQF IFS ISO 22000 Integrity Business to Business Provenance Business to Consumer Social & Ethical ETI SA8000 Business Equity Fair Trade Environmental ISO 14001 Carbon Water Energy 2003 2008 From: Steve Homer
SUSTAINABILITY GLOBALG.A.P GRASP: Risk Assessment on Social Practices www.caretrace.com GLOBALG.A.P GRASP: Risk Assessment on Social Practices water footprint
Complex ethical landscape ILO conventions Global Compact ISO 26000 Ruggie Principals GRI Reporting ISEAL Impact GSCP Benchmarking Fair Trade Utz Rain Forest ISO 14000 ETI BSCI SA8000 4C ISO 18000 SEDEX SMETA ISO 9000 SQF Social GlobalGap Social Roundtable Standards Bonsucro BSCI ISO 22000 From: Steve Homer
It doesn’t have to be like this! Muddying the waters Environmental Fair Trade Labour Rights Private Food Safety Standards 1999 2015 Pesticides Gender Food Miles Food Security DRIVERS> SUB-BRAND > It doesn’t have to be like this! Diagram From: Steve Homer
How it could be… The challenge: access markets while avoiding higher costs, increased complexity & new market access barriers The opportunity: increase efficiency, profitability & resilience; done in the right way, with the right tools, there is a strong business case for sustainability Capitalise on advantages: Pacific producers at an advantage - favourable climate & low-input practices; (ahead of the game compared to large-scale intensive)
“Fit for Markets” Programme COLEACP Sustainability Charter: Company ambition Sustainability Drivers Support Programme COLEACP training and self-assessment system Key indicators: map progress; identify business case COLEACP Sustainability Charter: frame and communicate Sustainable production based on business case