Multiple Intelligences
Learning Goals I will demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of self-assessment and the use of standardized assessment tools (e.g., aptitude and interest tests, skills inventories, learning styles inventories); I will use a variety of assessment tools to produce a personal profile that describes their current interests, skills, competencies, accomplishments, and characteristics, and identify occupations that are suited to their personal profile;
Minds-On Watch the following video… Jxas
1. Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence: Using language to present your ideas, to express your feelings or to persuade others
2. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence: Reasoning, logical thinking; handling mathematical problems
Local Guinness World Record Holder
3. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence: Feeling and expressing things physically; doing hands on work https://www.youtub imHfLaOQ
4. Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence: Creating and feeling a rhythm to express a mood; detecting and analysing musical themes Ll_uj4 cY4w
5. Intrapersonal Intelligence: Within oneself Understanding your own interior thoughts and feelings in a very clear way
6. Interpersonal Intelligence: Between people Understanding the feelings, needs and purposes of others
7. Visual/Spatial Intelligence: Artistic, aware of surroundings, good at remembering images. Great sense of direction, learn best through drawings and visual aids.
8. Naturalist Intelligence: Understanding nature, seeing patterns in the way nature works; classifying things
Activity: Complete the “Multiple Intelligence Test”