The Joanna Briggs Institute Endorsement Program
What is JBI Endorsement? JBI Endorsement is a recognition awarded to health organisations that demonstrate commitment to evidence-based healthcare and organisational wide culture of innovation and excellence. FULL Endorsement PROVISIONAL Endorsement JBI Endorsement is a recognition awarded to healthcare organisations that demonstrate commitment to evidence-based healthcare and an organisational-wide culture of innovation and excellence. JBI Endorsement can help provide your hospital, nursing home, al or healthcare service with the standards it needs to garner status as an organisation with the highest-quality healthcare practices. As a JBI Endorsed organisation, not only will your organisation demonstrate credibility to patients, clients, practitioners and stakeholders, it will also benefit from a variety of other benefits as part of the JBI’s global movement in evidence-based healthcare! JBI Endorsement is offered on either a Full or Provisional basis.
FULL and PROVISIONAL Endorsement Collaboration and engagement with JBI and its Collaborating Entities Access and support with a range of courses, training, and workshops Discounted fees for JBI’s world-class training programs including the JBI Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship and Comprehensive Systematic Review Training programs (Adelaide only) Discounted registration for JBI Colloquia Opportunities for participation in JBI activities Opportunity to present in a JBI-organised conference (national and international) JBI Endorsement is a recognition awarded to healthcare organisations that demonstrate commitment to evidence-based healthcare and an organisational-wide culture of innovation and excellence. JBI Endorsement can help provide your hospital, nursing home, clinic or healthcare service with the standards it needs to garner status as an organisation with the highest-quality healthcare practices. As a JBI Endorsed organisation, not only will your organisation demonstrate credibility to patients, clients, practitioners and stakeholders, it will also benefit from a variety of other benefits as part of JBI’s global movement in evidence-based healthcare! JBI Endorsement is offered on either a Full or Provisional basis.
STANDARDS: The 3Cs Commitment to Evidence-based Healthcare Continuous quality improvement JBI Endorsement is a recognition awarded to healthcare organisations that demonstrate commitment to evidence-based healthcare and an organisational-wide culture of innovation and excellence. JBI Endorsement can help provide your hospital, nursing home, clinic or healthcare service with the standards it needs to garner status as an organisation with the highest-quality healthcare practices. As a JBI Endorsed organisation, not only will your organisation demonstrate credibility to patients, clients, practitioners and stakeholders, it will also benefit from a variety of other benefits as part of the JBI’s global movement in evidence-based healthcare! JBI Endorsement is offered on either a Full or Provisional basis. Capacity building
Standard 1: Commitment to evidence-based healthcare Criterion 1: All staff in the organisation have access to evidence-based resources. Compliance measure: Organisation-wide subscription to the JBI Evidence-based Practice Database via Ovid Criterion 2: All staff in the organisation have access to continuing professional development related to evidence-based practice. Compliance measure: At least 4 JBI-focused workshop/training conducted on any evidence-based practice topic OR JBI Journal Club sessions around best practice in a clinical area of interest OR JBI online training are undertaken each year Standard 1: Commitment to evidence-based healthcare Organisations committed to evidence-based healthcare provide their staff access to education and resources that support evidence-based practice. Criterion 1: All staff in the organisation have access to evidence-based resources. (Compliance measure: Organisation-wide subscription to accessible evidence-based resources, including the JBI Evidence-based Practice Database via Ovid.) Criterion 2: All staff in the organisation have access to continuing professional development related to evidence-based practice. (Compliance measure: At least four JBI-focused workshops/training sessions conducted on any evidence-based practice topic OR four JBI journal club sessions around best practice in a clinical area of interest OR four JBI online training programs are undertaken each year.)
Standard 2: Continuous quality improvement Criterion 3: The organisation has a documented framework or a plan for a continuous quality improvement program with identified key priority areas, and a system for monitoring the implementation of the program Compliance measure: A documented framework or plan that identifies key area/s for improvement, intended outcomes, action/improvement plan, success measures, and timelines is in place. Criterion 4: The organisation has a nominated individual or group with a direct reporting pathway to senior management/executive who coordinates the endorsement program and acts as a central point of contact Compliance measure: A nominated individual or group who acts as a point of contact to JBI. Standard 1: Commitment to evidence-based healthcare Organisations committed to evidence-based healthcare provide their staff access to education and resources that support evidence-based practice. Criterion 1: All staff in the organisation have access to evidence-based resources. (Compliance measure: Organisation-wide subscription to accessible evidence-based resources, including the JBI Evidence-based Practice Database via Ovid.) Criterion 2: All staff in the organisation have access to continuing professional development related to evidence-based practice. (Compliance measure: At least four JBI-focused workshops/training sessions conducted on any evidence-based practice topic OR four JBI journal club sessions around best practice in a clinical area of interest OR four JBI online training programs are undertaken each year.)
Standard 3: Capacity building > Criterion 5: The organisation provides opportunities for staff training on evidence implementation and quality improvement Compliance measure: At any given time, at least two staff have completed the JBI Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship Program. Standard 1: Commitment to evidence-based healthcare Organisations committed to evidence-based healthcare provide their staff access to education and resources that support evidence-based practice. Criterion 1: All staff in the organisation have access to evidence-based resources. (Compliance measure: Organisation-wide subscription to accessible evidence-based resources, including the JBI Evidence-based Practice Database via Ovid.) Criterion 2: All staff in the organisation have access to continuing professional development related to evidence-based practice. (Compliance measure: At least four JBI-focused workshops/training sessions conducted on any evidence-based practice topic OR four JBI journal club sessions around best practice in a clinical area of interest OR four JBI online training programs are undertaken each year.)
Who is eligible to apply? Primary, secondary and tertiary care organisations Clinics and other outpatient and ambulatory care settings Home health, or community health agencies Long term care, nursing homes, hospices, aged care facilities The JBI Endorsement Program is open to organisations that provide evidence-based practice and policy including: Primary, secondary and tertiary care organisations. Clinics and other outpatient and ambulatory care settings Home health or community health agencies Long term care, nursing homes, hospices and aged care facilities Entire organisations (such as a hospital or health network), or sub-units/departments (e.g. a chemotherapy department or research unit) within organisations may become endorsed. Organisations with existing affiliations with JBI or a member of the JBI Collaboration, such as a clinical partner organisation are also eligible for Endorsement.
Completed application form and supporting documents Letter of support How to apply Completed application form and supporting documents Letter of support The first step towards JBI Endorsement is to submit an application to JBI along with the required documentation. Forms and templates for application are available in the JBI Endorsement website. JBI then conducts an on-paper assessment, with a follow-up interview with the nominated contact person (as required), to determine the organisation’s level of compliance with the Standards and criteria. The outcome of assessment is released within 21 working days. If successful, JBI Endorsement will be offered on either a Full or Provisional basis.
Contact person For further information about the JBI Endorsement Program, please contact: Dr Lucy Lizarondo Phone: +61 8313 2283 Email: