Climate Change Leadership Results-based Climate Change Leadership Where are we going from here? Julius Nyangaga Right Track Africa
Projects start with a Theory of Change What is a Theory of Change? Problem Intervention Change
Projects start with a Theory of Change What is a Theory of Change?
Projects start with a Theory of Change What is a Theory of Change? A famous ToC cartoon by Sidney Harris
Projects start with a Theory of Change What is a Theory of Change?
Projects start with a Theory of Change What is a Theory of Change? A comprehensive description and illustration of how and why a desired change is expected to happen in a particular context. Defining all of the necessary and sufficient conditions required to bring about a given long term outcome Long term goal Outcome B Pre-outcome A1 Pre-outcome A2 Outcome A Source: Centre of Theory of Change (Theory of Change Community)
Projects start with a Theory of Change What is a Theory of Change? Pre-outcome A2 Pre-outcome A11 Outputs for A11 Pre-outcome A1 Outcome A Pre-outcome B11 Pre-outcome B1 Outputs for B11 Outcome B Pre-outcome B21 Long term goal Outputs for B21 Pre-outcome B22 Pre-outcome B2 Outputs for B22 Outcome C Pre-outcome C11 Pre-outcome C1 Outputs for C11 Pre-outcome C2 Outputs for C21 Pre-outcome C21
Theory of Change Determines Project Intervention Pre-outcome A2 Pre-outcome A11 Pre-outcome B22 Long term goal Outcome A Outcome B Outcome C Pre-outcome B1 Pre-outcome B2 Pre-outcome C1 Pre-outcome B11 Pre-outcome B21 Pre-outcome C11 Outputs for B11 Outputs for B21 Outputs for B22 Outputs for A11 Pre-outcome A1 Outputs for C11 Pre-outcome C2 Outputs for C21 Pre-outcome C21
Theory of Change Determines Project Intervention What are YOUR Climate Change project goals and objectives? knowledge?
Theory of Change Determines Project Intervention What are YOUR Climate Change project goals and objectives? tools? module
Theory of Change Determines Project Intervention What are YOUR Climate Change project goals and objectives? practices?
Theory of Change Determines Project Intervention What are YOUR Climate Change project goals and objectives? systems?
The project intervention presents the target Results Framework Ann-Murray Brown... accessed at Tools4Dev change-vs-logical-framework-whats-the-difference-in-practice/
Essential Elements of a Results Framework Definition, Explanation Example(s) Goal, Impact Human and environmental well being For human: food security, health and wealth wellbeing For the environment: protection, improvement To reduce incidents of famine or disease To increase food yields To increase household income Increase forest cover Purpose, Objective To contribute to the goal, the particular goal, the project aims to achieve. Is specific on scope – geographical (location), time, and level of change Increase harvest of maize by 20% in the XX district by Year 3 by the introduction of new varieties Reduce incidences of malaria from 3 to 5/year/location Increase forest cover in XX valley from 2 to 4% by Yr 4
Essential Elements of a Results Framework Definition, Explanation Example(s) Outcome What or Who the project will influence to achieve the purpose or objective Evidence of the outcome (behavioural or system change + resulting magnitude of the outcome change) Communities access information service. No.s, %s, where, when. Government posts trainer, establish rule. Names, numbers. Community and CC institutions sign agreement. Document. Farm HHs adopt the new maize variety; volume of “input” up (from 10 to 15 tons/ha/yr) Output ‘What do we do, produce? ... to achieve the outcomes Products to be delivered by the project Research knowledge: paper, report, policy brief Climate change information tool or service in place Capacity and awareness forums Informed members per community
Essential Elements of a Results Framework Definition, Explanation Example(s) Indicators (Parameter measures) Evidence to be used for outcomes observed and outputs delivered For each result: the indicator and the data to be used to demonstrate change No. of farmers, HHs adopting technology Area of land Volume of yields, level of pollutant Presence of institutional reform agreement, policy/regulation Source, Means of verification (MoVs) Source of information of indicator change (data collection methods). Physical observation, counting (numbers), surveys, interviews Reports review Baseline (status) The level of the indicators (usually outcomes) at the time the project begins Assumptions Conditions necessary for outputs to deliver outcome, outcome to serve project purpose
Results Framework Template to be used Indicator(s) Means of verification (data source) Assump-tions Baseline level Targets (by Year, Quarter, OR month) Project goal (objective): - xxx Project outcomes What change(s)? Project output(s) What product(s)? Project activities research training awareness forums brokering views advocacy
Interventions require effective and strategic leadership Consider the Core CC leadership requirements from the Nganga (2019) report: (Quoting Meijerink & Stiller (2013)): Political Administrative Function Connective Function Adaptive Function Enabling Function Dissemination Function
Interventions require effective and strategic leadership Recommended Leadership Skills: Based on experiences and lessons from various R&D and CC programs: System definition and promotion Regular definition and description of the CC system being addressed or supported. Promoting engagement and encouraging support Internally project members see roles and value of team-work. Externally to recruit more members, missing capacity and resources.
Interventions require effective and strategic leadership Recommended Leadership Skills: System Administration and Management Resource (financial) budgeting and management. Reporting to resource providers (donors) or whole platform on system progress
Interventions require effective and strategic leadership Recommended Leadership Skills: Visioning, Scoping and Strategic networking Defining and describing the direction of aspiration from the current status. Can be for the whole system or for specific functions or CC actors.
Interventions require effective and strategic leadership Recommended Leadership Skills: Financing, Linking, Mediation and Brokering Resource mobilization Stimulating and assisting processes between interacting actors. Mediation in response to potential or actual conflict between system members Addressing concerns Developing trust and understanding.
Interventions require effective and strategic leadership Recommended Leadership Skills: Capacity Building, Technical backstopping Providing technical advise. OR … Linking actors to thematic specialists. Carrying out research and providing timely feedback Technical themes. Capacity in multi-stakeholder interactions, group dynamics and management
Interventions require effective and strategic leadership Recommended Leadership Skills: Advocacy and Championing Influencing policy makers for the necessary policy reform. Motivating stakeholders within the system and/or from those outside. Catalyzing interactions to keep the businesses active. Encouraging all actors to join and stay with the CC system managed.
Interventions require effective and strategic leadership Recommended Leadership Skills: Monitoring, Evaluation, Documentation and Learning What has worked? What has not? Why or why not? … case studies; using success stories to motivate and build support. What should be done differently to continuously improve performance? Lessons for innovation diffusion. Policy change blog
Results Framework Individual and Group Work Indicator(s) Means of verification (data source) Assump-tions Baseline level Targets (by Year, Quarter, OR month) Project goal (objective): - xxx Project outcomes What change(s)? xxx Project output(s) What product(s)? Project activities Not just how high up the results chain (“AUDACITY vs ACCOUNTABILIY”) … But TO WHAT LEVEL? … from baseline…