Organisation The topic ‘organisation’ is divided in: Management systems A system to make a enterprise more effective. Orderliness A enterprise that are well structured are easier to supervise. Competencies Competence to prevent and manage hazards are crucial.
Management systems Organisation Management systems are formalised systems used to make the enterprise more effective and to manage the enterprise goals. A management system gives the enterprise a more structured way to work and fulfil legislation. The first thing for the management is to establish policies for the enterprise to work against. It is important with clear responsibility delegation to avoid uncertainties and secure that the whole organisation participate.
Management systems Organisation Management have to establish routines to avoid that things goes wrong. A good reporting and communication system ensures that information travels thru the enterprise between different divisions. This makes it easier to learn from already made mistakes. A learning organisation is a safe organisation. Controls (audits) must be made to check if the routines are followed and if the system are functioning as planned. This evaluation process improve routines and the management system.
Management systems Organisation It is important to include the whole organisation in the safety work to create a positive attitude. A management system should be integrated into the day-to-day work. The management system should be well documented and available to the whole organisation. The implementation of the system demands much time and resources but it is crucial that it is done properly.
Orderliness Organisation Orderliness in the enterprise makes it easier for the management to supervise their enterprise. A well structured organisation minimize the risk for slips due to for example uncertainties in responsibility delegation. It is important to be cautious when storing chemicals. Some chemicals can react in a unpleasant way especially together with other chemicals. All combustibles should not be stored in the same place to avoid big fire loads. Try to store as small amounts of combustibles as possible at the same time. This also concern temporarily stored combustibles.
Competencies Organisation 80% of accidents and near accidents is related to human faults like: Slip Insufficient or irrelevant education Indistinct information Educate employees about routines and risks in the enterprise to avoid hazards. If the employees are educated in using a fire extinguisher and in the companies fire protection system the consequences of a possible fire can be minimized. Education, training and exercises should be held on annual basis.