Wells Elementary School 2013-2014 PBIS Wells Elementary School 2013-2014
Our Universal Team Sarah Leonard—District Coach Sarah Geest—Internal Coach Kari Pearsall—Internal Coach Anna Ross Jodi Sierra Jennifer Greene Jen Manis Melissa McCullough Lauren Lovewell
Believing in Students: The Power to Make a Difference
Office Discipline Referrals 2012-2013 498 office referrals Lost 248,000 minutes of instructional time
Our New Office Discipline Referral (ODR)
Our Matrix
Our Majors and Minors T-Chart
Our Minor Report
Classroom Management System Inform parents of your system (Backpack Night). Use data collection (data binders). Post classroom PBIS posters. Establish classroom rules with the students using the framework: Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Safe. Distribute PBIS tickets and record. Teach PBIS lessons with fidelity. Use building-wide terms: Give Me 5, Body Control (square up) and Voice Control.
PBIS Tickets We will reuse tickets so please don’t have the kids put their names on the back. Once a child earns a ticket, it can’t be taken away. In the beginning, FLOOD, FLOOD, FLOOD! Have a system in place to manage tickets (3x5 cards, banks, excel).
The Wildcat Den Our PBIS Store A huge thank you to Jennifer Greene for cleaning, organizing and coordinating the store! Each classroom will shop twice a month, and you will all receive a schedule of shopping times. Teachers will be the cashiers. The Den will be open at the end of September. Kids can save tickets for a bigger prize!
Quarterly Celebrations 1st Quarter—Friday, October 25, 2013 Magic Show, Yoga or Zumba 2nd Quarter—Friday, January 17, 2014 Movie and Popcorn 3rd Quarter—Friday, March 28, 2014 Showering the Principal/Dean (kiss a pig, wear a costume, eat something gross) or a Dance 4th Quarter—Friday, May 22, 2014 Wildcat Water Day
Kickoff Welcome to the Wildcat Jungle! Wednesday, August 21st at 10:00 AM Meet in the large gym for an assembly (should last about 30 minutes). Wear any kind of camoflauge t-shirt. Teach recess expectations before going out to recess. Rotations for various stations will be on Thursday, August 22nd and Friday, August 23rd Teachers will facilitate the bus rotation.
PBIS Lessons Cool Tool Lessons