National Standardized Child Passenger Safety Training Program May 2004 How to Set-up a Child Restraint Checkup Event
Objectives Describe purposes for holding CRS checkup Determine resources needed to conduct a checkup Articulate process for setting up a safe checkup event Articulate process to conduct a safe checkup event Checkup Event - 2
Purposes For Checkup Events Educational Training Enforcement Checkup Event - 3
Resources Qualified people are most important resource Event coordinator(s) CR checkers Scribes Greeters Traffic coordinator Runners Child care Checkup Event - 4
Equipment Child restraints Checkup kits Traffic cones Signs Instruction books Recall List Supplies Traffic cones Signs Noodles /towels First aid kit Checkup Event - 5
Location SAFETY Weatherproof Accessible Checkup Event - 6
Promotion Flyers/posters Direct mailings CSS hotline Print media Radio / TV Checkup Event - 7
Setting Up The Event Protect yourself before the event Well crafted checkup form Well trained checkup teams/volunteers Well planned event Event/program insurance Checkup Event - 8
Putting it Together Safe Zone Supply Access Waiting area Briefing Checkup Operation Before During After Checkup Event - 9
Traffic Flow Safe Zone Checkup Event - 10
After Action Completed Forms Destroy Seats Advise Public Checkup Event - 11
You CAN Do It With Less !!! Start small Location with built-in resources Promote with resources in mind Take your time! Checkup Event - 12
Inspection Stations Permanent Stationary or Mobile Similar set up as checkup event NHTSA “how to” documents available Checkup Event - 13