Video Game Survey Results By: Khaalaq BTT1O1
Introduction Today I will talk about the results of my survey on video games See if there are any relations with the result of the survey Show graphs of the survey The actual data of the graph Also interesting trends or correlations found in the survey results
Most Interesting Graph I found that this graph most interesting because, everyone is doing good in school. And not failing also they mostly enjoy playing video games So video games are not affecting them negatively Even though many people believe video games affected you negatively in school What are your marks like in school?
Data Of The Survey This the actual data of the Video Game Survey
Interesting Trends These are some trends or relationships I found in my survey I found that more males enjoy video games than females People who like video games are doing well in school People who say they are benefits from playing video games are doing good in school
Conclusion These trends are telling us that video games are not bad for society and they seem to benefit people in school A lot of people believe that video games affect learning negatively and have no benefits I think that everybody should play video games and it might benefit them is one or another way