Closed Facebook Group Training How do I set up a closed Facebook group? Who do I ask to join my group? What do I post? How to engage members. Tips to help you manage your page.
1 2 3 4 5 Setting up a closed Facebook group. Closed groups are private spaces where you can share updates and photos, and message other group members. Membership to a closed group must be restricted to Modern Woodmen members only. Chapter, Summit chapter and youth service clubs may create closed groups within Facebook for their chapter or youth service club. What is a closed Facebook groups? Who can create a closed Facebook group? How do I set up a closed Facebook group? 1 Contact Nora Johnson in the Fraternal Department to request a closed group at 2 The Fraternal Department will “friend” you in Facebook. 3 Once you accept the friend request, the Fraternal Department will create the closed group. You will be assigned as an administrator for the group. A member of the Fraternal Department must also serve as a co-administrator. 4 Invite members of your chapter or club to join the closed group. Please ensure only Modern Woodmen members are included. Verify an individual’s membership using the chapter roster. 5 Post regular updates on the closed group page to keep members informed about upcoming and recent activities. When you email Nora, include your chapter(s)/club(s) and your Facebook profile name. See the Join My Group section for more tips on how to invite members! See the What to Post? section for more ideas to engage members!
Where are all the people? Join my group! Locate your chapter roster Where are all the people? How to add members No email and you’re not friends
Locate your chapter roster Join my group! Locate your chapter roster How to add members No email and you’re not friends
Locate your chapter roster Join my group! Locate your chapter roster How to add members No email and you’re not friends