Linking the Pieces of Performance Management Together
SESSION OUTLINE Performance Management Successes Important Reminders Connecting Core Competencies to Overall Job Performance Linking Major Job Duties to the PDQ Strategies for Updating PDQ’S Tying Goals to Success The New Three Tier Rating System Open Discussion
Performance Management Successes State Success Timely Evaluations and Plans Meaningful Review Process Current forms are being used appropriately PDQ’s are being updated to reflect Major Job Duties Improved communication throughout the year Better questions from supervisors and employees Supervisors utilizing good performance management techniques for a better quality reviews plans
IMPORTANT REMINDERS Evaluation period for Classified employees is April 1 through March 30 Evaluations must be signed by supervisor and 2nd level supervisor or appointing authority before presenting to the employee Level 3 ratings require written justification by the Supervisor Planning forms are available on the web site All evaluations and plans are due by April 30
CONNECTING CORE COMPETENCIES TO OVERALL JOB PERFORMANCE Why are Core Competencies Important? Why are Core Competencies used for all state employees? How to relate them to overall job performance Why should you take the time to read the entire statement under each core competency? Connect core competencies to major job duties and goal statements
LINKING MAJOR JOB DUTIES FROM THE PDQ Link the PDQ to performance management Review the PDQ to ensure it accurately reflects the position Identify which duty statements on the PDQ are the most important – Link them back to the performance evaluation plan Accurate and current PDQ’s help identify performance strengths and deficiencies and are critical to the success of performance management
STRATEGIES FOR UPDATING PDQ’S Ask for the employees help in the writing of the PDQ Start with duty statement Include “by” statements when writing job duties Manage phones by taking messages, transferring calls to the appropriate person, and answering questions Once duty statements are complete, take each statement and answer section IV, V, and VI Print PDQ and have all parties sign the document Send to HR for audit
TYING GOALS TO SUCCESS Develop goals that allow the employee to contribute to the success of the department Utilize self evaluations to identify goals that support employee development and lead to increased productivity and success Set meaningful and realistic goals that are reviewed regularly in the performance year
THE NEW THREEE TIER RATING SYSTEM Level 1-Marginal Employees that are not consistently and independently meeting the expectations set in the performance plan or employees that are not progressing satisfactory towards level 2while being coached in the core expectations of the position Level 2-Employees that are meeting all the expectations of the job and on occasion exceed them. This is the employee that reliably performs the job assigned Level 3-This is the employee that is consistently showing exceptional and documented performance or consistently superior achievement
Open Discussion –Questions About Performance Management