Year 6: Marwell Activity Centre RESIDENTIAL Monday 15th- Wednesday 17th July 2019
Groupings and arrangements All pupils (providing payment in full by 17th June) Monday 15th – Wednesday 17th On your child’s day of departure, they will need to arrive at school at normal time. Night bags will be left inside of the blue gate ready to be loaded. There will be a medication table set up for medication to be handed in. (If raining this will be done in the hall) Children then go outside as if an normal school day. We aim to leave school by 10:30am. Please come in non-school uniform Packed lunch required on the first day – see kit list for more details!
We aim to be back at school on Wednesday for around 5:30pm (We will update on Facebook if there are any delays). Can all outstanding medical forms be handed in as soon as possible – or completed tonight. If you require another copy of the kit list or medical form please let us know.
Proposed timetable for the trip. Marwell Zoo Wednesday
British weather Please check the weather forecast beforehand and ensure your child is suitably equipped. Waterproofs, extra clothing, spare trainers/shoes if raining (plastic bags for wet gear) Sun hat, sun cream, sunglasses if sunny. Plastic bags
Accommodation The children will all be sleeping in the bunk houses Rooms are made up of 8/12/16 bed combinations We will allocate rooms much nearer to the trip / in conversation with Marwell staff. Bedding – Please bring a sleeping bag/duvet + extra pillow is optional.
Wednesday On our final day, we will be visiting Marwell Zoo. (Lunch provided by Marwell AC) We will walk from the activity centre in the morning through to the Zoo. Pupils will stay in activity groups throughout the day - with an educational talk planned as part of the trip. Pupils will back to the activity centre before collection by coach, back to school (aiming for 5:30 travel permitting).
Mobiles, Electronics, Money Extras: Children may bring a camera but must know how to use it. MP3’s, reading materials and small games may be brought for the journeys and evenings. Please note that the school cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage to the above. We ask that children do not bring computer games such as ipads or expensive cameras with them. Pocket Money: There may be an opportunity to visit the Marwell Zoo gift shop - recommended £10? Phones: Phones can be brought as a camera only. No phone calls/texts/internet use to be used. Please no Sim Cards (phones will be taken away if found to have a Sim Card inside)
Clothing for first day: Tracksuit bottoms or shorts T-shirt/polo shirt (no vest tops please) Jumper Trainers (Preferably old ones as they may get muddy – sandals/flip flop footwear for the activities is not acceptable and they won’t be able to join in) Spare pair of shoes Day Bag FOR MONDAY (rucksack): packed lunch for Monday drinks bottle x 2 sun hat, sunglasses and sun cream waterproof coat camera (optional – no sim card if a phone) medication (if required) Small travel bag: sleeping bag or duvet with cover Pillowcase (pillow is provided) towel change of clothes for two days (T-shirts, trousers, shorts etc) jumper or sweatshirt long sleeved top long trousers socks (ideally not trainer socks) and underwear toiletries night clothes spare trainers or shoes x2 shoes to wear inside eg, flip flops plastic bag/s torch
Any questions? Thank you for coming Dates for your diary Date Event 4th July 2019 Thursday (PM) Matilda Trip 5th July 2019 Friday Whole school transition day (go straight to new school, not BPS) 12th July Friday (PM) Sports afternoon (KS2) 15th - 17th July Mon-Wed Marwell 18th July Thursday Graduation 19th July Friday Last day of school