Hominin to Human
Derived Adaptive Changes Adaptive Radiation: Traits emerge which increase fitness and increase variation between reproductively isolated populations
Australopithecus to Homo erectus All: bipedal, prehensile hands (Precision grip) A. garhi may have used tools, butchered carcasses H. habilis used tools, larger cranial vault H. erectus produced biface hand axes, used fire, out-migrated
H. erectus to H. heidelbergensis Both: Control of Fire, Sophisticated Tools, Complex Culture And both out-migrated from Africa
Hiedelbergensis Dispersion
Archaic Homo sapiens to AMH All are nomadic foragers, both cook their food, wear clothing, and construct shelters
Hominin Species: Emergence And Extinctions
Cognitive Ability Blombos Cave, Altamira, Lascaux All Culture is Symbolic… Blombos Cave, Altamira, Lascaux
Oldowan (2.6 mya) Acheulean (1.3 mya) Mousterian (100 kya) Solutrean 20 kya