MobileServe Christian Service Hour Tracking Program St. Monica Catholic High School
Christian Service Requirements The Christian Service Program at St. Monica Catholic High School is rooted in our school mission, “to transform the world as responsible citizens and stewards.” Our service program is a unique opportunity for our students to enhance and grow in their God given gifts and talents through acts of compassion, charity and justice for people of all ages and backgrounds. After four years at St Monica, students will have completed a minimum of 100 hours of service to the community-at-large. Our service program is an essential component to our students’ high school experience with the hope that they will act upon their Christian responsibility to reach out and service those in need. As we act upon our Christian responsibility we know that it takes more than just one person to make a difference. Here at JDCHS we want to develop and strengthen our community through acts of service. It is important to us that our students complete their service together as a community.
Christian Service Requirements 9TH GRADE 20 Hour Total – 10 hours at a place of worship and 10 hour at approved organization 10TH GRADE 20 Hours Total – 10 hours with Youth Outreach organization and 10 hours at approved organization 11TH GRADE 30 Hours Total – 15 hours with the infirmed, elderly, or handicapped and 15 hours at approved organization 12TH GRADE 30 Hour Total – 15 serving the Poor and Vulnerable and 15 hours at approved organization
Step 1: Download MobileServe App Download the MobileServe App. Please note MobileServe can also be accessed through your internet browser. Next click SIGN UP
Step 2: Sign up Enter in your information Enter - St. Monica Catholic High School for the employer,school box Enter in your SCHOOL ISSUED EMAIL Create a password and click Next.
2a. Complete sign up Add photo to your profile. Please note that the photo should be your school issued photo found on Schoology. Select Next. Enter the 6-digit code listed to the right. When the org name pops up, select Join. Org Names: Class of 2019: 74A58A Class of 2020: 59F751 Class of 2021: 81314E Class of 2022: A26755
Step 3: Begin Serving! Remember you can access your login page from your laptop or the mobile app. Photo must be school issued photo
Step 3a: Logging Hours From the mobile app you will tap the (+) Begin Serving to log your hours. ***Please note that you should log your hours the same day they are done.
Enter in the date and total serve hours, click Next Step 3b: Logging Hours Enter in the date and total serve hours, click Next
Step 3c: Service Details Name of place your served
Step 3c: Service Details Name of place your served Select a Category based on your Class year (i.e. SMCHS Class of 2019) A drop down list will appear to select a category where the hours will go towards. For example Seniors must complete 15 hours for the Care of the Poor and Vulnerable.
Step 3d: Tell Your Story In a well formatted paragraph describe the service opportunity you completed. Consider these questions: Who? Where? When? What? How does the service reflect the student iSOs? Hours can be rejected if the service advisor does not think the explanation is done in a well formatted manner.
Step 4: Verify Hours Get Supervisor Name and Email information Next click Get Signature and have them sign Click Attach My Location this is done at the service site. Click Submit Hours Hours can be rejected if the service advisor does not think the explanation is done in a well formatted manner.
Step 4a: Verify Hours Share with us a photo of your service opportunity. Be mindful to ask your service supervisor or coordinator if it okay to take a picture. Click Done to submit hours. Hours can be rejected if the service advisor does not think the explanation is done in a well formatted manner.
Questions? Hours can be rejected if the service advisor does not think the explanation is done in a well formatted manner.