Learning outcomes Time to discuss and reflect Time to consider the language of digital and information literacy and identify overlaps with employability An opportunity to reflect on the language your institutions use in digital literacy development, and reframe it with an increased focus on employability from the employer’s and the student’s perspective.
SCONUL’S 7 Pillars of digital literacy https://www.sconul.ac.uk/sites/default/files/documents/coremodel.pdf Accessed 3 April 2019
METRO MAP National Forul for the Enhancement of Teachuing and Learning in Hiher eDUACTION http://allaboard2017.ie/the-metro-map/ Accessed 3 April 2019
Employability and DIL Delivering guidance for qualification and module teams on how DIL supports generic employability skills, e.g. IT, communication, problem-solving, team-working Showing how DIL is relevant to different professions Working with Careers and Employability colleagues. Digital and Information Literacy seen very much in the context of Employability . Briefly describe how we work now in terms of working with module teams Briefly talk about our maping of DIL and our cross-mapping exercise .
Supporting Employability with Digital and Information Literacy (DIL) skills Digital and Information Literacy (DIL) Skills are an important part of a student’s skills set, and an explicit requirement of a number of vocational and professional standards, e.g. Social Work DIL shares many skills similarities with those in the new Employability framework and we are working with Enhanced Employability and Career Progression colleagues as they prepare to map employability skills in selected qualifications The grid on the slide shows where Employability skills match both DIL skills development and the JISC Digital Capabilities Learner Profile. You can see how much overlap there is. It,s a piece of work we’re particularly interested in and we have papers at 2 national conferences and the Employability conference at the OU in the coming months,
And now for the workshop ..talking the same language?
Mind your language! How do the language and concepts outlined on the cards, or in your own framework match up with the language use in the job description? Are we delivering the right skills? Match the skills on the cards to the job description in front of you Feel free to write on the job descriptions or the cards Or write your own cards
Dear Human Resources… Put yourselves in the position of your student persona Write part of an application for the job you have in front of you explaining how the skills you have learned make you a suitable candidate for the post Use the information you have in the persona brief as well as the cards you have matched in the first part of the exercise