Emergency Preparedness Planning Council (EPPC) Networking: 9:00 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Meeting: 9:30 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. NCTCOG Guest Secured Password: rangers!
Welcome Call to order and opening remarks Welcome of guests and introductions
Regional Service Excellence Award Rob Monaghan– Baylor Scott & White Kit Marshall-Parker County Lizbet Orellana-City of Coppell
Regional Service Excellence Award Matt Honza-Tarrant County Kelly Hanes-Tarrant County
Administrative Business Approval of June Meeting Minutes
THIRA Hazards Flooding Severe Thunderstorms Tornadoes Wildland Fire Gas Well/Pipeline Dam/Levee Failure CBRNE- Biological Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack (CCTA)
Core Capabilities
Goals Satisfy Federal and State requirements for THIRA completion Back-up estimated impacts with models; update resource estimations Regional document that could be used to aid with creating exercises Apply for any Homeland Security Grant Provide Executive Summary
REPAC Business Items Authority for EPPC Chairs to Approve Threat and Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (THIRA), State Preparedness Report (SPR), and Regional Implementation Plan (RIP) on Behalf of EPPC Due to tight deadlines EPPC will receive a copy at next meeting
REPAC Discussion Items FY 17 Grant Update FY 16 SHSP Funding Allocations: $1,674,518 FY 17 SHSP Funding Allocations: $1,841,970.20 $167,452.20 increase Able to fully fund the SWAT Ballistic Blanket and Night Vision Projects as well as the EOD Personal Radiation Detectors
REPAC Discussion Items FY 18 Grant Update Encouraging Working Groups to start thinking about FY 18 projects COG staff to host Grant Workshop before the end of the year eGrants application portal opens mid-December for FY 18 application submission FY 18 application deadline is the end of February
KnoWhat2Do Public Education Website Re-design Modern, responsive, mobile friendly design Reflects the updated guidebooks for English and Spanish Interactive elements for users to make a plan and emergency kit checklist www.knowhat2do.com
State Response to Hurricane Harvey Josh Roberts State Coordinator-Region 1 Texas Division of Emergency Management Mollie Rivas Recovery Section Administrator-Region 1 State Response to Hurricane Harvey
Announcements Comments Member comments Guest/public comments Adjournment
Next EPPC Meeting December 7, 2017 Networking: 9:00 A.M.- 9:30 A.M. Meeting: 9:30 A.M.- 11:30 A.M.