Jeopardy Hosted by Mr. Mariano
Phases of the Moon Earth’s Motions Earth’s Seasons Tides 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000
The circling of one object What is revolution? The circling of one object around another object. Row 1, Col 1
What is the first day of Summer? June 21st/22nd 1,2
What is a waxing crescent? 1,3
The difference in water level between high and low tide. What is Tidal Range? The difference in water level between high and low tide. 1,4
One revolution of the earth around the sun takes this long. What is 365.25 days? One revolution of the earth around the sun takes this long. 2,1
What is the first day of fall? September 22nd/23rd 2,2
What is a Waning Gibbous? 2,3
Object that has the largest influence on Earth’s Tides. What is the Moon? Object that has the largest influence on Earth’s Tides. 2,4
earth is closest to the sun. What is perihelion? The term that means earth is closest to the sun. 3,1
The sun’s direct rays are on the Tropic of Cancer during this What is Summer? The sun’s direct rays are on the Tropic of Cancer during this Northern Hemisphere season. 3,2
What is a waning crescent? 3,3
is the largest range there will be. What is Spring Tide? Type of tide when there is the largest range there will be. 3,4
The average distance the earth What is 93 million miles? The average distance the earth is away from the sun. 4,1
The southern hemisphere season What is Winter? The southern hemisphere season when the sun’s rays are on the Tropic of Cancer. 4,2
What is a 3rd or last quarter? 4,3
These tides occur during 1st or 3rd quarter moon phases. What are Neap Tides? These tides occur during 1st or 3rd quarter moon phases. 4,4
furthest away from the sun. What is July 4th? Date when Earth is furthest away from the sun. 5,1
hours Harrisburg receives What is about 9 hours? The number of day light hours Harrisburg receives on the first day winter. 5,2
What is a waxing gibbous? 5,3
passes between high tide What is 6 hours? The amount of time that passes between high tide and low tide. 5,4