Kierunek „Elektronika”, rok II Electroacoustics Kierunek „Elektronika”, rok II
Acoustic field in rooms
Frequency ranges L c 2 V Tp f 2000 = 4 Lumped parameters Frequency Wave theory Statistical theory Geometrical L c 2 V Tp f k 2000 = 4
Rise and decline of sound in a room Steady state Reverberation
Reverberation Time RT60
Formulas for RT60 (according to statistical theory) Formula of Sabine Formula of Eyring Formula of Knudsen (with absorption in the air)
Absorbtion according to Eyring i Sabine Ey(a) – effective absorption coefficient according to Eyring
Recommended reverberation time
Sound absorbing materials
Absorption coefficients of porous materials
Absorption coefficient of Helmholtz resonator
Room resonances according to wave theory (Room No. 607 C-5)
Geometrical theory
Design of large halls