High and Low context cultures
Look at the picture and a diagram representing one type of culture Look at the picture and a diagram representing one type of culture. In pairs, discuss what you can tell about this culture. What countries does the iceberg represent? How do people communicate in this culture?
High-Context Culture
Now, look at the second picture and another diagram representing another type of culture. In pairs, discuss what you can tell about this culture. What countries does the iceberg represent? How do people communicate in this culture?
Low-Context Culture
Now watch this short video and note the differences in the communication patterns between high and low context cultures: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oYfhTC9lIQ
Places and situations can be high or low context too Places and situations can be high or low context too. Look at these pictures. Can you classify them? LOW HIGH
Group task: Your teacher will give you some cards with places and situations. Classify them into high and low context .
Now, let’s look together at some characteristics of high and low context cultures:
Relationships depend on trust, build up slowly Relationships depend on trust, build up slowly. Difference between people inside and people outside one's circle. How things get done depends on relationships with people and group process is important. One's identity is rooted in groups (family, culture, work). Hierarchichal social structure: responsibility is at the top. Person at the top works for the good of the group. People at the bottom respect the person at the top.
Verbal message is indirect; one talks around the point. Communication is seen as an art form - rules to follow Time is not easily scheduled; needs of people may come first. What is important is that the activity gets done.
Learning occurs by first observing Learning occurs by first observing others as they model or demonstrate a task and then practising it. Groups are preferred for learning and problem solving.
Low-Context Cultures
Relationships begin and end quickly. Circle's boundary is not clear. Things get done by following procedures and paying attention to the rules.
One's identity is rooted in oneself and one's achievements One's identity is rooted in oneself and one's achievements. A person takes risks and assumes responsibility for his/her own actions. Social structure : responsibility is not concentrated at the top. It is shared. Verbal message is direct; one says exactly what he/she means.
Disagreement is not taken personally Disagreement is not taken personally. The focus is on logical solutions, not personal ones. Space and privacy are important, so people are farther apart. Things are scheduled to be done at particular times. What is important is that activity is done efficiently.
Learning occurs by following clear directions and explanations of others. At the same time, taking risks is encouraged. Innovation is rewarded. An individual approach is preferred for learning and problem solving.
Pair work: Your teacher will give you a list of statements characterizing both LOW and HIGH context cultures. Put L or H next to each statement.
Now check your answers against the summary table your teacher will give you.
HIGH AND LOW CONTEXT QUIZ You will have to classify places/situations and statements from the table your teacher has given you by writing L or H next to them. For example: Burj Al Arab = H Short term relationships = L
REFERENCE http://www2.pacific.edu/sis/culture/pub/Context_Cultures_High_and_Lo.htm