The Scientific Method
Plato and Aristotle Philosophers(thinkers) Natural Philosophy instead of science 350 B.C,
IBN al- HAYTHEM 1000 A.D. Arab made detailed experiments to see which theory worked the best.
Nicolaus Copernicus Had the Theory that the Earth orbits the Sun. About 1500
Galileo Supposedly standardized the scientific method. Made a telescope and proved the Earth orbits the Sun. Was sent to jail for this. About 1600
The Scientific Method Experiment Investigation Test Inquiry Lab The process of doing an experiment.
Question Also called Problem, or Purpose. What you are trying to prove or find out with the experiment.
RESEARCH Finding background information about the topic of your experiment. Use books, magazines, and internet.
HYPOTHESIS Use research to make an educated guess or a prediction. What do you think will happen in the experiment.
materials Supplies you need to do the experiment
procedure What steps you will follow to do your experiment
observations Describe what happen when you did your experiment use sentences , photos , drawings ,journals , charts, graph also called data , rasults
Conclusion What did you find out, or learn from your experiment, was your hypothesis correct?