Credits This presentation was initiated for usage by the members of the NH Quality Commission Special thanks to the following facilities for their contributions to the presentation: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Elliot Hospital Huggins Hospital Southern New Hampshire Medical Center
PURPOSE OF HIGH FIVE To ensure that all patients in New Hampshire are cared for by staff who follow hand hygiene protocols which prevent infection.
responsible for our own hands! WHO IS RESPONSIBLE ? We are responsible for maintaining a clean environment for our patients and a pleasant working environment for our co-workers. responsible for our own hands!
Think… Everything you touch has been touched by someone else!
the spread of infection WHAT can YOU do? The most effective way to prevent the spread of infection is …
Hand Hygiene Options Antibacterial soap and water – sink Liquid soap and water – sink Antibacterial soap and water – sink Alcohol based hand sanitizer
Hand Hygiene - GEL Apply product to the palm of one hand Rub hands together Rub the product over all surfaces of hands and fingers until hands are dry. NOTE: Alcohol hand gel is not effective against C. difficile - use soap and water for patients with diarrhea CAUTION! Alcohol hand gel is FLAMMABLE!
We expect all individuals entering patients rooms to perform hand hygiene: After contact with inanimate objects in the immediate vicinity of the patient (e.g. bedrails, over-bed table, chair, medical equipment). One study found bacteria at all areas marked by an X.
We expect all individuals who have contact with patients to perform hand hygiene: Before and after direct contact with a patient. Including contact with intact skin and activities such as taking vital signs or moving a patient.