Individually Members of One Another Jesus died to reconcile us to God. (2 Cor. 5:17-20) Our mutual relationship with God creates a relationship with one another. (1 John 1:3-7) Our special relationship involves responsibilities to one another. (Gal. 6: 10; Eph. 4:16; Rom. 12:4-6) Fulfilling our one another obligations is indispensable to our relationship with God. (1 John 3:23-24) 10/9/2019
A Study of the Negative One Another Obligations Don’t Do That! A Study of the Negative One Another Obligations 10/9/2019
Don’t Go To Law Going to law against one another is an AUDACIOUS ACT. Going to law against one another is an ABSURD ACT. Going to law against one another appoints those LEAST ESTEEMED by the Church TO JUDGE. Going to law against one another is a SHAMEFUL ACT. Going to law against one another is an UTTER FAILURE. Going to law against one another is to WRONG A BROTHER. 10/9/2019
Don’t Do That! Don’t Judge. (Rom. 14:3-4, 10, 13) Don’t Go To Law. (1 Cor. 6:1-8) Don’t Provoke And Envy. (Gal. 5:26) Don’t Lie. (Col. 3:9-10) Don’t Speak Against. (Jas. 4:11-12) Don’t Grumble Against. (Jas. 5:9) 10/9/2019