Careers Plan 2019-2020
Introduction Key Principles The Academy trust has a statutory duty to secure independent careers guidance for all year 8 to 13 students (The education Act 2011/Careers guidance and access for education and training providers Jan 2018) At ECC Careers Education and Guidance offers all students the opportunity to increase their knowledge and awareness of self and of the world of employment, training and further education. All students should be prepared to meet the challenges and make appropriate choices when necessary. Key Principles ECC has a statutory duty to provide independent careers guidance from Years 8 to 13 (DfE Statutory Guidance October 2018) and ensure that it is presented in an impartial manner, includes information on the range of education or training options, including apprenticeships and other vocational pathways, and is considered to promote the best interests of each individual student. Careers Guidance will be based on a partnership with students and their parents or carers who will have access to up to date information via the college website and social media. The programme will raise aspirations, challenge stereotyping and actively promote equality and diversity. The programme is differentiated to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to students’ stages of career learning, planning and development.
CEIAG at Exmouth Community College contains four strands; Careers education Planned sessions in the Lesson 42 programme of study. Planned sessions in the core curriculum ( Maths, English, Science) Careers information Transition and options information, LMI information, pathways and progression routes. Careers advice and guidance Independent and impartial careers advice and guidance provided by a L6 qualified careers advisor (Careers South West). Work related learning Experience within and outside the curriculum. Including Work experience at KS5
The CEIAG Team- Roles and Responsibilities Henri Miles Assistant principal KS4- SLT link for Careers and PSHE Jenna Westcott- Wolstenholme Head of Careers and Science teacher Julia Jacobs Careers Administrator Jayne Lomax/Romy Lavis CSW Careers advisor Ian Macqueen Governor
The CEIAG Team- Roles and Responsibilities- cont. Subject teachers and pastoral team Integrate careers into their subjects and offer general advice and guidance. SENCO and Karen Crosby (CSW) Provide support to SEN students to help them generate their individual career action plans. Anne Blackburn Enterprise advisor
Quality assurance 1- Department for Education- Careers strategy – October 2018 2- As a college we are working towards the ‘Investors in careers’ award and using the assessment criteria as a way to assess and evaluate our provision. 3- The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges. As a college we map our provision against these Bench marks. 4- In house evaluations
Quality assurance- 1- Department for Education – Careers strategy
Quality assurance- continued
Quality assurance- continued
Quality assurance-2- Investors in careers
Quality assurance-3- Gatsby Benchmarks
Quality assurance-4- In house evaluations For each activity/event at least 10% of students ( including SEN, PP, and G&T) will complete a questionnaire regarding the activity and how useful they found it. Tutors will be asked periodically for feedback- with a particular focus on lesson 42. Resources for lesson 42 will then be amended as needed and updates on the shared area. Presenters/employers will be given feedback forms at each event. Employers will be asked for feedback after work experience via an email. Parents will be involved in the evaluation process by completing questionnaires at events as well as discussions at the regular parent forum evenings. All Information received shall be reviewed and may be used to inform our planning of future events.
Careers programme: Scheduled slots within the ‘Lesson 42’ programme Pledged activities within Subject areas Careers talks held during the ‘Lesson 42’ programme Support for Options choices-transition points Independent careers advice 1:1 appointments Independent careers advice- group work Apprenticeship fair Careers fair ( every 2 years) Careers library Regular sharing of information with tutors Work experience post 16 Next steps South West ( e.g. Articulacy, e-me) Exeter Scholars Community Cadets Careers week Apprenticeship information packs FE familiarisation UCAS fair HE open days Future First alumni programme
Mapped activities Activity Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Lesson 42 2, 4, 7 Careers fair ( once every 2 yrs) 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Apprenticeship Fair 1:1 Careers interviews CSW 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 Group interviews CSW 2, 4, 7, 8 1 year course progression CSW 2,3,4,8 Options evenings, Events and interviews 3, 4, 8 Next steps South West Careers pilot 2,3, 4, 5, 7 Articulacy ◊ 3, 4 Why would you? (Theatre performance) 4, 7 Choosing the right level 3 option 3, 7 Travel card funding ◊ 3 Progression into HE Careers week activities 3,4,5 Exeter scholars ◊ 2, 3, 7 Community Cadets ◊ 3, 5, 6 Curriculum activities 2, 4 , 5, 6 Assemblies 2, 4, 5, 7 Apprenticeship pack to tutors and email to parents 7 Exeter college familiarisation ◊ 3, Work experience 3,4,5,6 UCAS fair 3,4 Uni open days Mapped activities ◊ Not whole cohort * Plus additional activities/opportunities that arise throughout the year Numbers refer to Gatsby bench mark criteria- The whole table demonstrates evidence for Gatsby bench mark 1. As a source of information and resources we shall refer to our own alumni via the Future First UK education charity.
Lesson 42- Learning objectives ( numbers refer to Gatsby Bench Marks) Year 7: * Setting realistic and challenging personal targets and goals (3,4) * Identify own strengths, interests, skills and qualities including their value to future employability (3,4) * Rights and responsibilities including stereotypes (3,4) * Career paths and aspirations (2,3,4) * Indentify core values and how they influence your choices (3) Year 8: * Types of work and the meaning of Career, clarifying own aspirations (3,4) * Laws relating to work as a young person including Health and Safety (3,4) * Labour Market information (2,3,4) * The importance of protecting their own and others’ reputations; protecting their ‘online presence’: the concept of having a personal ‘brand’ that can be enhanced or damaged. (2,3) * Managing risk and finances. (3,4,8) Year 9: * Choices, sources of information advice and support. (2,3,4,7,8) * Developing skills to make decisions. (3,4) * Benefits of being ambitious (3,4) * Styles of learning (4) * Identify skills and relate to employability. (2, 3, 4)
Lesson 42- Learning objectives Year 10: * Evaluate strengths to inform goal setting and relate to future employability (3, 4) * Choices, sources of information advice and support (3,4,7) * Benefits of gaining experience in working environments (3,4,5,6) * Unacceptability of all forms of discrimination, how to challenge it in the wider community including the workplace (2,3,4) * Rights and responsibilities at work including confidentiality in the workplace (2,3,4) * Develop study and employability skills (3,4) * Labour Market information (2,3) * Making financial decisions (3) Year 11: * To develop a career identity including their strengths, interests and skills; to maximise chances when applying for education or employment opportunities (3,4,7) * Labour market information and how to use it (2,3,4) * Advice, support and guidance- including all the options available to them (2,3,4,7) * To maximise opportunities for career progression in education, training and employment (2,3,4,7) All students have access to CSW for independent advice and guidance- priority to those facing transition points (8) Learning objectives have been taken form the PSHE association for education
Staff training Jenna Westcott- Wolstenholme Attendance at the termly CEIAG meeting. Relevant and timely CPD Julia Jacobs Tutors Relevant information and training provided by Head of Careers ( Jenna Westcott-Wolstenholme)