Briefing pack: A new way of talking about your role and what health assessment you need June 2016
Briefing deck will cover: What is a health hazard and how is this different to a health risk? What are the new groups and categories of workers What health assessment will each group need and how often? Resources available Your role categorisation June 2016
Your role categorisation June 2016 What is a health hazard? A health hazard is an agent that can cause harm These fall into 5 broad categories Physical : thermal extremes, vibration, noise Chemical: dusts, fumes, fibre solids (asbestos) Biological: legionella, blood borne virus Psychosocial: demands, lone working, control Mechanical and ergonomic: manual handling, postures Your role categorisation June 2016
Your role categorisation June 2016 So, what is a health risk? A health risk is the likelihood of damage or an effect the agent might cause if not controlled The effect can have an immediate effect or take weeks/months or event years for you to start to have symptoms It can affect locally (your skin), distant (nerve endings) and/or widespread in the body (cancers) Your role categorisation June 2016
We have identified 4 groups of workers – each have a different health requirement 1 2 3 4 Level of exposure to a health hazard You are exposed to health hazards most of the day so at risk to health effects The work activities and/or work environment have an inherent risk which could put you or others at risk. You are exposed to health hazards intermittently but on a regular basis You are unlikely or not exposed to any health hazards Type of health assessment required You usually need to be in a health surveillance programme to check controls like PPE are working You will need to have a specific health assessment to ensure you have no underlying health conditions and are fit to do safety critical activities We will monitor your health via questionnaire We will encourage you to look at your lifestyle to be as healthy as possible Your role categorisation June 2016
So, what category of role are you? Your role categorisation June 2016
tRIIO category profile There are just 4 categories tRIIO category profile Descriptor Example role Category 1 ‘on the tools’ A person who is likely to be regularly exposed to risk from health hazards after control measures have been applied Plumber Maintenance operative Category 2 Safety Critical Where the ill health of an individual may compromise their ability to undertake a task defined as safety critical, thereby posing a significant risk to the health and safety of others Ganger, crane driver, tunneller Category 3 ‘on site’ but not ‘on the tools’ . A person who visits sites/projects on a frequent basis not undertaking the work but exposed to the health hazard. Will still require PPE even though less exposure Site foreman, project manager Category 4 office/home based or working in a school or office A person who generally works in an office/home and does not or rarely visits a site/project Managing director, administrator Your role categorisation June 2016
Your role categorisation June 2016 What is a category 2 - Safety Critical Worker: “someone engaging in an activity where sudden incapacity would constitute a very real danger to themselves or others.” We want to understand if you have any medical conditions that could make you…. suddenly lose consciousness (e.g. epilepsy, some heart conditions, have impaired awareness or concentration; sudden incapacity; affect your balance or coordination; restrict your mobility impaired vision or hearing emotional/psychological instability We base our assessment on Railtrack and DVLA Medical Standards Your role categorisation June 2016
Your role categorisation June 2016 Frequency of testing Health surveillance (Category 1) New hires/preplacement* – within the first 3 months of starting with tRIIO Then, annual or more frequent dependant upon results Safety Critical worker (category 2) Before you start working in tRIIO or at preplacement* 3 yearly thereafter Health Monitoring (Category 3) By questionnaire each year IF you have symptoms you maybe called for testing NOTE: You may be both a category 1&2 or 2&3 worker – where possible testing will cover both categories. * Means moving from another role not designated SCW into a safety critical role Your role categorisation June 2016
Where can I find more information? Your manager will give you the relevant employee information sheets What you need to know about your health surveillance and monitoring What you need to know about your safety critical worker health assessment Your site H&S team will provide the relevant training and awareness relating to any health hazards & risks you are exposed to Your role categorisation June 2016
Did that cover everything? Questions, comments… Did that cover everything? Your role categorisation June 2016