The Great Hamster Massacre Katie Davies The Great Hamster Massacre
Illustrations by Hannah Shaw
About the book The Great Hamster Massacre, written in 2010. The book has179 pages and long describing scentences, which are not always grammatically correct (written from a child’s perspective). The book is easy to follow but has some tricky parts. The main character is Anna, a nine year old girl. Other important characters in the book are Tom, Anna’s younger brother and Suzanne, Anna’s best friend. And also, Mum and Dad, Nanna and the neighbours. massacre [mass-a-ker] + noun a general slaughter of persons or animals: ’the massacre of millions during the war’
This is a book about wanting a pet so bad you’ll do almost anything to get it… It is also a book about life with yelling parents, unfair rules and doing things you’re not supposed to… This is a book about how you feel when someone dies… And it is also a book about friendship, arguing and making up plans together… This is a murder investigation novel.
How you can work with 4th graders