Morphology Mrs. Veena Dixit 28/9/04 Mrs. Veena Dixit 28/9/04 (First example in brackets is from English and the second is from Hindi_iitk-format. Wherever the example is given from any other language, it is indicated by ‘_language’. The specific characters in a string are underlined wherever it is necessary. This holds true throughout my presentations / lectures.) Mrs. Veena Dixit 28/9/04
Frames of Analysis HOCKETT Item and Arrangements Item is an individual linguistic form listed in an inventory or dictionary. Words are seen as linear arrangement of items belonging to different groups. Mrs. Veena Dixit 28/9/04
Frames of Analysis Item and Process continued- Item is a member of agreement which is a unit of a number of related characters. Words are seen as a part of derivational process. Mrs. Veena Dixit 28/9/04
Frames of Analysis Word and Paradigm continued- The word operating paradigm of variables is seen as a basic unit of the morphophonemic process. Mrs. Veena Dixit 28/9/04
Paradigmatic VS. Syntagmatic Saussure’s Diactomy Paradigmatic VS. Syntagmatic Paradigmatic relations determine (optimally) correct one out of possible alternatives. (Ram / Ram’s……in *Ram / Ram’s hand) (rAma / rAma ne / rAma ko……in rAma ne / *rAma ko pAnI piyA.) Syntagmatic relations determine combination of units to create meaning. (Ram’s hand) (rAma ne pAnI piyA.) Mrs. Veena Dixit 28/9/04
THANK YOU. MRS. VEENA DIXIT Mrs. Veena Dixit 28/9/04