Agricultural Order 4.0 Discussion Item 3 May 15-16, 2019 Riparian Habitat Management Table 5 Paula Richter
Outline Riparian Habitat Functions and Values Staff’s Recommended Option – Table 5
Riparian Habitat Functions, Values and Beneficial Use Protection Municipal/Domestic Supply Sediment Trapping Agricultural Supply Pollutant Filtering Groundwater Recharge Stream Energy Dissipation Fresh Water Replenishment Rain Drop Dissipation Cold/Warm Fresh Water Habitat Shade/Temperature Wildlife Habitat Streambank Stabilization Spawning Habitat Extended Seasonal Flows Commercial/Sport Fishing Surface Water Storage Rare, Threatened, Endangered Species Habitat Wildlife Habitat Recreation Recreation Graphic courtesy of EPA (2005)
Updated Options Tables Irrigation and Nutrient Management – Groundwater Irrigation and Nutrient Management – Surface Water Pesticide Management – Surface Water, Groundwater Sediment and Erosion Management – Surface Water Riparian Habitat Management – Water Quality QUESTIONS: What can growers and the regional board do to ensure that riparian and wetland habitat is protected due to agricultural activities and discharges? How can the regional board use discharge permit requirements to ensure current and future affordable, safe, and clean water for drinking and environmental uses?
TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT MANAGEMENT FOR WATER QUALITY PROTECTION Ag Order 4.0 – Updated Option Phasing or Prioritization Quantifiable Milestones* (Numeric Limits) Prioritization based on location-specific conditions such as beneficial use impairment and high-quality waterbodies. Setback Width and Native Vegetative Cover Individual Approach in priority areas Ranch-level setback width and percent native vegetative cover requirements for priority waterbodies are based on stream classification system. Cooperative Approach in priority areas Participate in a Cooperative Watershed Restoration Program (as approved by Executive Officer) AND must have a vegetated setback 1.5 times the width of the waterbody on each side. A Cooperative Approach program may not be approved in certain watersheds if it will result in degradation. Restoration acreage is based upon the setback acreage that would have been required on the farm under the Individual Approach, at the following mitigation ratios: 3P OR Strahler Class Minimum Setback Width Class 1 (ag ditch) no setback requirement Class 2 50 feet with grasses Class 3 and 4 80 feet with shrubs and grasses Class 5 150 feet with trees, shrubs, and grasses Class 6 250 feet with diverse trees, shrubs, and grasses Lakes, estuaries, and wetlands Waterbody Type Ratio Class 2 1:1 Class 3 and 4 2:1 Class 5 and 6 3:1 Lakes, estuaries, and wetlands 4:1 Percent Slope Setback Width Adjustment 15 - 17% add 10 feet 18 - 20% add 30 feet 21 - 23% add 50 feet 24 - 25% add 60 feet
TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT MANAGEMENT FOR WATER QUALITY PROTECTION Ag Order 4.0 – Updated Option Quantifiable Milestones* (Numeric Limits) Time Schedule* All other non-priority waterbodies and ranches participating in Cooperative Approach All dischargers with a Class 2 or higher waterbody on or adjacent to their ranch must have a vegetated setback for erosion control that is 1.5 times the width of the waterbody on each side. The presence of bare soil vulnerable to erosion is prohibited for all waterbody classes. No non-native invasive species may be planted within setbacks. Prohibition The removal of existing native riparian vegetative cover is prohibited, unless authorized through another permitting mechanism. Setback Width Establishment Setback width establishment date to be determined based on priority areas. Native Vegetative Cover Establishment Native vegetative cover establishment date to be determined based on priority areas.
TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT MANAGEMENT FOR WATER QUALITY PROTECTION Ag Order 4.0 – Updated Option Monitoring and Reporting* Incentives Riparian Management Reporting Individual Approach a. Buffer width, in feet b. Total native vegetative cover, in percent c. Vegetative cover by type, in percent (trees, shrubs, grasses, non-vegetated) d. Digital map of farm and setback boundaries Cooperative Approach Cooperative program monitors and reports progress annually. Surface Water Quality Trends All ranches must conduct regional bioassessment trend monitoring, either individually or through a cooperative program. 3P 3P -Cooperative Approach may allow for reduced setback and vegetation requirements within the ranch.
401 Water Quality Certification Minor culvert maintenance Native vegetation planting Non-native invasive species removal Bioengineered soil stabilization Berm removal Trash removal
SUMMARIZED FRAMEWORK TABLE – AG ORDER 4.0 TABLE 1: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - GW TABLE 2: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - SW TABLE 3: PESTICIDES TABLE 4: SEDIMENT & EROSION TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT Phasing or Prioritization -Location-specific phasing -Watershed prioritization -Waterbody prioritization Quantifiable Milestones* (Numeric Limits) -Discharge Limit AFER + AIRR – R -AFER Limit (by crop) -AFER Limit (consequence) -Receiving SW Limit and/or Discharge Limit -TMDLs or WQOs AFER Limit (consequence) -Impermeable, slope, winter -Sediment mass discharge -Receiving SW alteration -Design storm -Individual or Cooperative -Priority and Non-priority -Setbacks widths -Vegetation -Prohibition Time Schedule* -Time schedule with Discharge Targets & Limits -High AIRR incentive -AFER Limit (by crop) by 2022 -TMDL time schedules -Non-TMDL areas TBD -Table 2, 3 time schedule -TBD Monitoring and Reporting* INMP TNA, R, Irrigation Mgmt. Practices Individual Discharge to GW Domestic Wells GW Trends -Receiving SW Trends -Follow-Up Receiving SW Individual Discharge to SW -PMP -Individual Discharge to SW -GW Pesticides SEMP -RMP -Setbacks and vegetation Incentives -Compost -Increase R -Third party programs -Cooperative approach 3P 3P
Thank You !
Topics for Questions on Table 5 Prioritization Priority waterbody requirements Non-priority waterbody requirements Prohibition
SUMMARIZED FRAMEWORK TABLE – AG ORDER 4.0 TABLE 1: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - GW TABLE 2: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - SW TABLE 3: PESTICIDES TABLE 4: SEDIMENT & EROSION TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT Phasing or Prioritization -Location-specific phasing -Watershed prioritization -Waterbody prioritization Quantifiable Milestones* (Numeric Limits) -Discharge Limit AFER + AIRR – R -AFER Limit (by crop) -AFER Limit (consequence) -Receiving SW Limit and/or Discharge Limit -TMDLs or WQOs AFER Limit (consequence) -Impermeable, slope, winter -Sediment mass discharge -Receiving SW alteration -Design storm -Individual or Cooperative -Priority and Non-priority -Setbacks widths -Vegetation -Prohibition Time Schedule* -Time schedule with Discharge Targets & Limits -High AIRR incentive -AFER Limit (by crop) by 2022 -TMDL time schedules -Non-TMDL areas TBD -Table 2, 3 time schedule -TBD Monitoring and Reporting* INMP TNA, R, Irrigation Mgmt. Practices Individual Discharge to GW Domestic Wells GW Trends -Receiving SW Trends -Follow-Up Receiving SW Individual Discharge to SW -PMP -Individual Discharge to SW -GW Pesticides SEMP -RMP -Setbacks and vegetation Incentives -Compost -Increase R -Third party programs -Cooperative approach 3P 3P
SUMMARIZED FRAMEWORK TABLE – AG ORDER 4.0 TABLE 1: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - GW TABLE 2: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - SW TABLE 3: PESTICIDES TABLE 4: SEDIMENT & EROSION TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT Phasing or Prioritization -Location-specific phasing -Watershed prioritization -Waterbody prioritization Quantifiable Milestones* (Numeric Limits) -Discharge Limit AFER + AIRR – R -AFER Limit (by crop) -AFER Limit (consequence) -Receiving SW Limit and/or Discharge Limit -TMDLs or WQOs AFER Limit (consequence) -Impermeable, slope, winter -Sediment mass discharge -Receiving SW alteration -Design storm -Individual or Cooperative -Priority and Non-priority -Setbacks widths -Vegetation -Prohibition Time Schedule* -Time schedule with Discharge Targets & Limits -High AIRR incentive -AFER Limit (by crop) by 2022 -TMDL time schedules -Non-TMDL areas TBD -Table 2, 3 time schedule -TBD Monitoring and Reporting* INMP TNA, R, Irrigation Mgmt. Practices Individual Discharge to GW Domestic Wells GW Trends -Receiving SW Trends -Follow-Up Receiving SW Individual Discharge to SW -PMP -Individual Discharge to SW -GW Pesticides SEMP -RMP -Setbacks and vegetation Incentives -Compost -Increase R -Third party programs -Cooperative approach 1. Prioritization Should staff proceed with including waterbody-based prioritization for riparian requirements in the draft Ag Order 4.0? 3P 3P
SUMMARIZED FRAMEWORK TABLE – AG ORDER 4.0 TABLE 1: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - GW TABLE 2: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - SW TABLE 3: PESTICIDES TABLE 4: SEDIMENT & EROSION TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT Phasing or Prioritization -Location-specific phasing -Watershed prioritization -Waterbody prioritization Quantifiable Milestones* (Numeric Limits) -Discharge Limit AFER + AIRR – R -AFER Limit (by crop) -AFER Limit (consequence) -Receiving SW Limit and/or Discharge Limit -TMDLs or WQOs AFER Limit (consequence) -Impermeable, slope, winter -Sediment mass discharge -Receiving SW alteration -Design storm -Individual or Cooperative -Priority and Non-priority -Setbacks widths -Vegetation -Prohibition Time Schedule* -Time schedule with Discharge Targets & Limits -High AIRR incentive -AFER Limit (by crop) by 2022 -TMDL time schedules -Non-TMDL areas TBD -Table 2, 3 time schedule -TBD Monitoring and Reporting* INMP TNA, R, Irrigation Mgmt. Practices Individual Discharge to GW Domestic Wells GW Trends -Receiving SW Trends -Follow-Up Receiving SW Individual Discharge to SW -PMP -Individual Discharge to SW -GW Pesticides SEMP -RMP -Setbacks and vegetation Incentives -Compost -Increase R -Third party programs -Cooperative approach 2. Priority Waterbody Requirements a. Should staff proceed with including setback and vegetation requirements for beneficial use protection in priority areas? b. Should staff proceed with incorporating both individual and cooperative watershed-based options for complying with the riparian requirements? 3P 3P
SUMMARIZED FRAMEWORK TABLE – AG ORDER 4.0 TABLE 1: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - GW TABLE 2: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - SW TABLE 3: PESTICIDES TABLE 4: SEDIMENT & EROSION TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT Phasing or Prioritization -Location-specific phasing -Watershed prioritization -Waterbody prioritization Quantifiable Milestones* (Numeric Limits) -Discharge Limit AFER + AIRR – R -AFER Limit (by crop) -AFER Limit (consequence) -Receiving SW Limit and/or Discharge Limit -TMDLs or WQOs AFER Limit (consequence) -Impermeable, slope, winter -Sediment mass discharge -Receiving SW alteration -Design storm -Individual or Cooperative -Priority and Non-priority -Setbacks widths -Vegetation -Prohibition Time Schedule* -Time schedule with Discharge Targets & Limits -High AIRR incentive -AFER Limit (by crop) by 2022 -TMDL time schedules -Non-TMDL areas TBD -Table 2, 3 time schedule -TBD Monitoring and Reporting* INMP TNA, R, Irrigation Mgmt. Practices Individual Discharge to GW Domestic Wells GW Trends -Receiving SW Trends -Follow-Up Receiving SW Individual Discharge to SW -PMP -Individual Discharge to SW -GW Pesticides SEMP -RMP -Setbacks and vegetation Incentives -Compost -Increase R -Third party programs -Cooperative approach 3. Non-Priority Waterbody Requirements Should staff proceed with including setback and vegetation requirements focused on sediment and erosion control for non-priority areas? 3P 3P
SUMMARIZED FRAMEWORK TABLE – AG ORDER 4.0 TABLE 1: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - GW TABLE 2: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - SW TABLE 3: PESTICIDES TABLE 4: SEDIMENT & EROSION TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT Phasing or Prioritization -Location-specific phasing -Watershed prioritization -Waterbody prioritization Quantifiable Milestones* (Numeric Limits) -Discharge Limit AFER + AIRR – R -AFER Limit (by crop) -AFER Limit (consequence) -Receiving SW Limit and/or Discharge Limit -TMDLs or WQOs AFER Limit (consequence) -Impermeable, slope, winter -Sediment mass discharge -Receiving SW alteration -Design storm -Individual or Cooperative -Priority and Non-priority -Setbacks widths -Vegetation -Prohibition Time Schedule* -Time schedule with Discharge Targets & Limits -High AIRR incentive -AFER Limit (by crop) by 2022 -TMDL time schedules -Non-TMDL areas TBD -Table 2, 3 time schedule -TBD Monitoring and Reporting* INMP TNA, R, Irrigation Mgmt. Practices Individual Discharge to GW Domestic Wells GW Trends -Receiving SW Trends -Follow-Up Receiving SW Individual Discharge to SW -PMP -Individual Discharge to SW -GW Pesticides SEMP -RMP -Setbacks and vegetation Incentives -Compost -Increase R -Third party programs -Cooperative approach 4. Prohibition Should staff proceed with carrying forward and clarifying the prohibition against removing existing riparian vegetation? 3P 3P
SUMMARIZED FRAMEWORK TABLE – AG ORDER 4.0 TABLE 1: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - GW TABLE 2: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - SW TABLE 3: PESTICIDES TABLE 4: SEDIMENT & EROSION TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT Phasing or Prioritization -Location-specific phasing -Watershed prioritization -Waterbody prioritization Quantifiable Milestones* (Numeric Limits) -Discharge Limit AFER + AIRR – R -AFER Limit (by crop) -AFER Limit (consequence) -Receiving SW Limit and/or Discharge Limit -TMDLs or WQOs AFER Limit (consequence) -Impermeable, slope, winter -Sediment mass discharge -Receiving SW alteration -Design storm -Individual or Cooperative -Priority and Non-priority -Setbacks widths -Vegetation -Prohibition Time Schedule* -Time schedule with Discharge Targets & Limits -High AIRR incentive -AFER Limit (by crop) by 2022 -TMDL time schedules -Non-TMDL areas TBD -Table 2, 3 time schedule -TBD Monitoring and Reporting* INMP TNA, R, Irrigation Mgmt. Practices Individual Discharge to GW Domestic Wells GW Trends -Receiving SW Trends -Follow-Up Receiving SW Individual Discharge to SW -PMP -Individual Discharge to SW -GW Pesticides SEMP -RMP -Setbacks and vegetation Incentives -Compost -Increase R -Third party programs -Cooperative approach 3P 3P
SUMMARIZED FRAMEWORK TABLE – AG ORDER 4.0 TABLE 1: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - GW TABLE 2: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - SW TABLE 3: PESTICIDES TABLE 4: SEDIMENT & EROSION TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT Phasing or Prioritization -Location-specific phasing -Watershed prioritization -Waterbody prioritization Quantifiable Milestones* (Numeric Limits) -Discharge Limit AFER + AIRR – R -AFER Limit (by crop) -AFER Limit (consequence) -Receiving SW Limit and/or Discharge Limit -TMDLs or WQOs AFER Limit (consequence) -Impermeable, slope, winter -Sediment mass discharge -Receiving SW alteration -Design storm -Individual or Cooperative -Priority and Non-priority -Setbacks widths -Vegetation -Prohibition Time Schedule* -Time schedule with Discharge Targets & Limits -High AIRR incentive -AFER Limit (by crop) by 2022 -TMDL time schedules -Non-TMDL areas TBD -Table 2, 3 time schedule -TBD Monitoring and Reporting* INMP TNA, R, Irrigation Mgmt. Practices Individual Discharge to GW Domestic Wells GW Trends -Receiving SW Trends -Follow-Up Receiving SW Individual Discharge to SW -PMP -Individual Discharge to SW -GW Pesticides SEMP -RMP -Setbacks and vegetation Incentives -Compost -Increase R -Third party programs -Cooperative approach 3P 3P
SUMMARIZED FRAMEWORK TABLE – AG ORDER 4.0 TABLE 1: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - GW TABLE 2: IRRIGATION & NUTRIENT - SW TABLE 3: PESTICIDES TABLE 4: SEDIMENT & EROSION TABLE 5: RIPARIAN HABITAT Phasing or Prioritization -Location-specific phasing -Watershed prioritization -Waterbody prioritization Quantifiable Milestones* (Numeric Limits) -Discharge Limit AFER + AIRR – R -AFER Limit (by crop) -AFER Limit (consequence) -Receiving SW Limit and/or Discharge Limit -TMDLs or WQOs AFER Limit (consequence) -Impermeable, slope, winter -Sediment mass discharge -Receiving SW alteration -Design storm -Individual or Cooperative -Priority and Non-priority -Setbacks widths -Vegetation -Prohibition Time Schedule* -Time schedule with Discharge Targets & Limits -High AIRR incentive -AFER Limit (by crop) by 2022 -TMDL time schedules -Non-TMDL areas TBD -Table 2, 3 time schedule -TBD Monitoring and Reporting* INMP TNA, R, Irrigation Mgmt. Practices Individual Discharge to GW Domestic Wells GW Trends -Receiving SW Trends -Follow-Up Receiving SW Individual Discharge to SW -PMP -Individual Discharge to SW -GW Pesticides SEMP -RMP -Setbacks and vegetation Incentives -Compost -Increase R -Third party programs -Cooperative approach 3P 3P
Questions ?