Soil pollution is the abnormal alteration of the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, adversely affecting its fertility, productivity and carrying capacity.
Negative Due to excessive utilization or excessive removal of soil resources Soil erosion due to overgrazing Extensive deforestation Unplanned irrigation Positive Due to direct introduction of undesirable substances, radioactive wastes & deposition of air pollutants through precipitation Pollution due to excessive delivery of plastics, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers etc.
Any natural or synthetic substance capable of unfavorably affecting soil productivity. 1. Harmful chemicals - acids, cyanides, pesticides, detergents… 2. Radioactive materials - radioactive isotopes of strontium, cesium, selenium… 3. Solid wastes - garbage, plastic, rubber, metallic pieces, agricultural residues…
Industrial wastes : From paper mills, chemical industries, textile mills, steel mills etc. It will adversely affect its productivity & carrying capacity & inflict harmful effects on soil organisms and vegetation.
Atmospheric precipitation of acids, radionuclides & other pollutants: In the atmosphere CO2, NO, N2O, SO2 & Cl2 react with water and form their acids. Rain water brings all these chemical to the soil surface. They kill soil organisms & change basic nature of top soil.
Residues of pesticides & fertilizers used in agricultural fields: They kill soil organisms & change chemical nature of soil. They may be carried to fresh water bodies causing water pollution.
Combustion byproducts such as fly ash & cinders: These reduce the fertility & productivity of the soil & do harm to vegetation & soil organisms.
Crude tipping & open dumping of urban wastes, farm wastes and domestic refuses: This introduces several kinds of organic & chemical pollutants to the soil.
Dead bodies & carcasses: The decay of these introduces to the soil a large number of infectious organisms.
Excreta of man and other mammals: These make the soil contaminated with several pathogens, their cysts or larvae.
Soil erosion which causes negative soil pollution:
Salination of soil: It is the increase in the concentration of soluble salts in the soil. It results mostly from irrigation, flood, intensive farming, poor soil drainage, excessive use of alkaline fertilizers etc.
Changes the chemical nature of soil, adversely affects its fertility & productivity & reduces carrying capacity. Some chemical pollutants kill soil microorganisms and cause destruction to plants & animals. Radionuclides in the soil may cause serious radiation hazards to plants & animals.
Soil pollution makes the soil, inland water & vegetable crops contaminated with infectious organisms & cause serious health hazards like typhoid, cholera, amoebiasis… Increased conc. of agro-chemicals may cause cancer, genetic damages, inborn abnormalities, neurological disorders, coma & sometimes death. Destruction of planktonic life & fish population.
Controlled tipping & sanitary landfill of biodegradable refuses
Burning of easily combustible refuses
Setting up of multichamber incineration furnaces:
Pyrolysis-Combustion of waste in the absence of O2 using intense heat:
Composting of faeces and organic matters in pits.
Electrical cremation of dead bodies.
Land filling of non degradable solid wastes in low lying areas.
Recovery & recycling of solid wastes.