I can define vocabulary words and use them in a sentence. English 100 Monday, 9-8-14 I can define vocabulary words and use them in a sentence. On a sheet of paper, comment on the following quote… you will keep this in your notebook: You never need an argument against violence; you need an argument for it.
I can define vocabulary words and use them in a sentence. English 100 Monday, 9-8-14 I can define vocabulary words and use them in a sentence. Write your name on Vocabulary Answer Sheet Complete quiz in appropriate column – DO NOT WRITE ON QUIZ PAPER – Absolutely NO TALKING Submit quiz and your answer sheet Get Vocabulary Lesson 3 and copy into your notebook (Word, Part of Speech, Definition, Sample Sentence, Original sentence) – Place lesson in your Vocabulary section of your notebook
English 100 Monday, 9-8-14 I can define vocabulary words and use them in a sentence. Vocabulary Lesson 3 Abstemious Archaic Dulcet Expurgate Idyllic Iniquity Lithe Patronizing Pellucid Perspicacious Relegate Scapegoat Talisman Usurp Vacillate