Hydrology and hydro-morphology MAIN IMPACTS: Water quality Hydrology and hydro-morphology Ecological characteristics 3. Benefits and Impacts
Ecological value and bio-diversity MAIN BENEFITS: Ecological value and bio-diversity Amenity value and aesthetical appearance Social and economic well-being Flora and fauna diversity Recreational value … 3. Benefits and Impacts
Physical characteristics Rehabilitation impacts and benefits IMPACTS: Water quality: BENEFITS: Physical characteristics Chemical quality 3. Benefits and Impacts
Ecological value and bio-diversity Rehabilitation impacts and benefits BENEFITS: Ecological value and bio-diversity Amenity value and aesthetical appearance Social and economic well-being 3. Benefits and Impacts
Hydrology and hydro-morphology: Rehabilitation impacts and benefits IMPACTS: Hydrology and hydro-morphology: River banks BENEFITS: Discharge Connectivity 3. Benefits and Impacts
Hydrology and hydro-morphology: Rehabilitation impacts and benefits IMPACTS: Hydrology and hydro-morphology: River banks BENEFITS: Discharge Connectivity 3. Benefits and Impacts
Ecological characteristics: Rehabilitation impacts and benefits IMPACTS: Ecological characteristics: Aquatic and riparian flora BENEFITS: Aquatic and riparian fauna 3. Benefits and Impacts
BENEFITS: Flora diversity Fauna diversity Other specific issues Rehabilitation impacts and benefits BENEFITS: Flora diversity Fauna diversity Other specific issues 3. Benefits and Impacts
Public perception of rivers Rehabilitation impacts and benefits OTHER BENEFITS: Public perception of rivers Sensual experiences Public acceptance Recreational value 3. Benefits and Impacts