KICK-OFF MEETING 11-12/09/2017 Gödöllő, Hungary Intellectual output 2 Training needs of Teachers preparing students for Agriculture 4.0 Ljupcho Toshev, FACE
Training needs of Teachers preparing students for Agriculture 4.0 Part 1 Day 1 15 minutes Intellectual output 2 Training needs of Teachers preparing students for Agriculture 4.0 Ljupcho Toshev, FACE
IO2 – Training needs assessment Description of Output 2 After collecting information from the 'demand' side IO1 we will provide information about the supply side, i.e. how vocational education must meet the needs of demands for existing and future Agriculture 4.0 skills.
IO2 – Training needs assessment Activities, scheduling, tasks of participating partners
IO2 – Training needs assessment The data collection, and responsibilities for identifying and inviting responses from representatives of the target group, will be the task of GAK, ITS and GJMSZI in Hungary, and of FACE and AGFT in Macedonia.
IO2 – Training needs assessment • Suggested working methods: - questionnaires (standardized both for HU and MK and translated in national languages) on-line survey (involving VET teachers) Analysis (incl. charts and excel format) Conclusions
Possible risks and solutions Data collections – same pattern to be used Questions – simplified with examples Number of teachers and advisors covered by the survey – to add the companies’ managers
Part 2 Day 2 O2 - Training needs of Teachers preparing students for Agriculture 4.0 Planning the work program, working methods, outcomes
O2 needs analysis O2 needs to establish details about current practices and to answer specific questions: (I) how aware are agricultural VET teachers of trends in Farming 4/Agriculture 4.0.; (ii) how prepared are these teachers to develop their students for joining 'connected agriculture'; (iii) do they have a sufficiently strong ICT background in precision farming and ICT based systems?
O2 needs analysis Hypothesis preliminary consultations with the partners (who represent industrial and educational parties), the starting project assumption (the H0 hypothesis) is that there is a significant requirement for the provision of ICT training in these fields, but that this hypothesis has to be confirmed through surveys of the target groups in the target countries.
O2 needs analysis The results: The results of the survey will provide directly usable information for the educational system itself, but its conclusions will form a very important input for follow-on working phases, including the development of the training.
O2 needs analysis The steps: As a first step consortium will elaborate a questionnaire, in English(by 31/01/2018) - GJMSZI Two different, but crucial factors in the planning of the questionnaire will be taken into account: (i) it must be directed to solicit information about ICT based teaching methods and tools; (ii) it must be oriented to gather details of Farming 4.0 trends and systems therein. For the survey we will use an online questionnaire, following proven practices.
The steps: (28/02/2018) Step #2. The translation and the implementation of the questionnaire in national languages, and the subsequent statistical analysis of the survey will be the tasks of GJMSZI and FACE. The final conclusions will be summarized, in English, by FACE.
The steps: (31/03/2018) Step #3. The data collection, and responsibilities for identifying and inviting responses from representatives of the target group, will be the task of GAK, ITS and GJMSZI in Hungary, and of FACE and AGFT in Macedonia.
Indicators: Questionnaire (EN, HU, MK) – 3 x 10-12 p. Results of the national surveys (EN): 2x20 p. with charts. Summary of the results (EN):10 p. Short summary Target group: teachers and advisors Macedonia: 40 samples Hungary: 80 -100 samples
Quality management Quality management Evaluations by the partners (ITS will create the questionnaires)