US/101 MyFoundationsLab Student User Guide This course includes Reading and Writing activities in MyFoundationsLab. The exercises and activities assigned are designed to provide focused practice to help you improve upon your current skills. Refer to this PowerPoint to get a better understanding about the tasks you are completing and how to navigate in MyFoundationsLab.
MyFoundationsLab Assignment Terminology What is the Writing Path Builder? An initial assessment that determines your level of proficiency in predetermined writing topics. MyFoundatiosLab will apply an “M” for “mastery” for any writing skill you demonstrate proficiency. Each writing topic that was not mastered when you took the Writing Path Builder will be included in your Writing Learning Path. There are 8 predetermined writing topics in this course. During Week Nine of the course you will work toward achieving a 70% or better for any of the 8 writing topics you didn’t master when you took the Writing Path Builder. Note: MyFoundationsLab will keep track of this information for you. What is a Skills Check? An assessment that asks a series of multiple choice questions on the topic you are studying during the week. There is a Skills Check for each topic you study. The Skills Check provides you with another opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and skills covered in the module. Once you have completed the Skills Check, MyFoundationsLab will mark topics as Mastered if you demonstrate proficiency, and will populate the required MyFoundationsLab Module for that week with practice exercises that will help you develop proficiency for the remaining topics. What is a MyFoundationsLab Module? A module includes specific topics you will be learning about in the course. This course includes both Reading and Writing Modules. Reading topics are identified with a R (example R1.1) and Writing topics are identified with a W (example W1.1) The Writing Path Builder and the assigned Skills Checks are used to assess your current understanding of the topics and populate the work you need to complete in each module. The module provides information and practice items for each topic showing as Needs Practice. What is a Topic Post-Test? A Post-test is the last activity for each topic in the MyFounadtionsLab Module where you will demonstrate mastery for topics you did not master during the Writing Path Builder or your Skills Checks. Earn a 70% on each topic Post-Test to earn mastery points. Continue working in your MyFoundationsLab Module until you have earned all the required mastery points.
Week 6: MyFoundationsLab Getting Started To get started, click Take a Tour to understand how MyFoundationsLab is set up. Click Browser Check to make sure you can view the course.
Week 6: Writing Path Builder Assignment Click to complete the Path Builder Assignment.
Week 6: Reading Fundamentals Skills Check Follow the steps below to complete the Reading: Fundamentals Skills Check. This activity needs to be completed before you can work on the MyFoundationsLab® Reading: Fundamentals module assignment, as it is used to identify the topics you already understand and the topics you need to practice. The Skills Check is your first opportunity to earn Mastery points for the topics covered in the Reading: Fundamentals Module required this week. Click under the word Reading. Click Click
Week 6: Reading Fundamentals Module Follow the steps below to access the Reading: Fundamentals Module and learn how to determine what work you need to complete in the module. Click under the word Reading. Identify any topic that Needs Study. A pencil icon next to a topic under the Topic List will show you which topics you need to continue to study. Complete all the activities for each topic that Needs Study. Click Each topic that Needs Study under the Topics List has a Post-test. You have two attempts to earn a 70% or better on each Post-test. *Notify your instructor if you have used up your 2 attempts on the Post-test and still have not achieved a 70% or better.
Week 9: Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling Skills Check Follow the steps below to complete the Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling Skills Check. This activity needs to be completed before you can work on the MyFoundationsLab® Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling Module, as it is used to identify the concepts you already understand and the topics you need to practice in the module. Click under the word Writing. Click Click (Note you will be unable to access this until have completed the Writing Path Builder)
Week 9: Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling Module Follow the steps below to access the Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling Module and learn how to determine what work you need to complete in the module. Click under the word Writing. Identify any topic that Needs Study. A pencil icon next to a topic under the Topic List will show you which topics you need to continue to study. Complete all the activities for each topic that Needs Study. Click (Note you will be unable to access this until have completed the Writing Path Builder) Each topic that Needs Study under the Topics List has a Post-test. You have two attempts to earn a 70% or better on each Post-test. *Notify your instructor if you have used up your 2 attempts on the Post-test and still have not achieved a 70% or better.
Week 9: Sentence Skills: Skills Check Follow the steps below to complete the Sentence Skills: Skills Check. This activity needs to be completed before you can work on the MyFoundationsLab® Sentence Skills Module, as it is used to identify the topics you already understand and topics you need to practice. Click under the word Writing. Click Click (Note you will be unable to access this until have completed the Writing Path Builder)
Week 9: Sentence Skills Module Follow the steps below to access the Sentence Skills Module and learn how to determine what work you need to complete in the module. Click under the word Writing. Identify any topic that Needs Study. A pencil icon next to a topic under the Topic List will show you which topics you need to continue to study. Complete all the activities for each topic that Needs Study. Click (Note you will be unable to access this until have completed the Writing Path Builder) Each topic that Needs Study under the Topics List has a Post-test. You have two attempts to earn a 70% or better on each Post-test. *Notify your instructor if you have used up your 2 attempts on the Post-test and still have not achieved a 70% or better.