HL-LHC - WP15 modifications Coffrets Prise C4L8


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Presentation transcript:

HL-LHC - WP15 modifications Coffrets Prise C4L8 P. Santos Díaz, Y. Maurer, N. Latif, Thanks for the contribution of M. de la Aleja Cabana Reunion ICL Machines LHC - SPS CERN, 22th May 2019 EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

Outline Introduction Discussion Proposed solution Conclusions Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

1. Introduction Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

Location of the TANB installation in L8 The TANB will be installed between D2 and the TCTPH and in consequence, the BPMs will be displaced next to the Y-chamber. D2 Y-chamber TANB TCTPH TCTPV BPMs Electrical boxes concerned Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

2. Discussion Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

Present situation During the visit on 24/03/2019, it was noticed that there might not be enough space for the BPMs drilling plate integration. Space for the BPMs drilling plate Situation after 1st intervention. 24/04/2019 Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

BPMs drilling template integration 55m+465mm=520mm are requested. Drilling template 230mm 55mm 465mm 546mm 278mm 87mm Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

Integration check 55m+465mm=520mm are requested and ≈480mm available. Situation on 24/04/2019 Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

3. Proposed solution Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

Proposal for the new position of the electrical boxes [I] Displace the electrical boxes about 2.5m away toward the IP8. Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

Proposal for the new position of the electrical boxes – integration model Any inconvenient from the plugs users? Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

Proposed new telex routing Even closer to the main telex. Main telex Present routing Proposed routing Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

Proposed new detailed position (top view) It provides enough space for installation. Telex on the floor 150mm 100mm Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

3. Conclusions Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

Conclusions Displacement of the electrical boxes is required for the BPMs drilling template integration. Proposal: displace them about 2.5m towards IP8 where there is clear space. Preliminary cost estimation: ≈500CHF. Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1


Spare slides Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

Present telex routing Situation after 1st intervention. 24/03/2019 Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1

Site visit on 12/03/2019 Left side of point 8. ACTION: coffret on left side to be installed together with the other two coffrets on the right side in a common new support. Connected cables can be shifted towards the IP to clear the space (cables position have to be 5cm away from the Y-chamber support for space allowance in case of vacuum support removal). Situation prior LS2 Pablo Santos Díaz EDMS: 2149413 v1.1