Settling on the New Land EQ: What impact did Old World have on New World once settled?
Found, Now What? So now that the new land has been found, what do the Europeans do with it? Established colonies to expand their empires Use the land to create wealth
Mercantilism Export more than you import Use newly conquered territories to make profits Mines, plantations Sell products to other countries and colonies to make a profit Created a capitalists society worldwide as countries tried to invest money in new colonies to increase wealth
Impact on the Natives Need someone to work on the plantations and in the mines Used Natives as slave labor at first What happened to the natives though? Had to find another work force Turned to Africa for the answer Birth of the slave trade
Triangular Trade Trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas
Middle Passage The “middle” segment of the triangular trade Shipping of slaves to the Americas to work on plantations Let’s look more at the Triangular Trade and Middle Passage