Recommendations for the management of clinically relevant and/or very frequent AE of BRAFi+MEKi therapy. Recommendations for the management of clinically relevant and/or very frequent AE of BRAFi+MEKi therapy. Disclaimer: Official recommendations for the management of the three combinations might differ (please consider first the detailed specifications and recommendations as outlined in the summary of product characteristics (European Union) or in the respective, official prescribing information documents (USA and other countries outside European Union)). CTC-AE, common terminology criteria for adverse events; Crea, creatinine; ld, low-dose; mhd, middle-to-high-dose; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; OCT, optical coherence tomography; RA,receptor antagonist; TEN, toxic epidermal necrolysis; UVA, ultraviolet A (radiation). Lucie Heinzerling et al. ESMO Open 2019;4:e000491 Copyright © European Society for Medical Oncology. All rights reserved.