YDD GRANT REVIEWER Training Abraham Magaña Policy Anaylst Youth Development Division abraham.magana@ode.state.or.us
What’s being covered today? Overview of Youth Development Division Description of Grant Programs Online Review Process Signing in Conflict of Interest Form Proposal Review Scoring Demo
YDD Overview Youth Development Division (YDD) Tasked with serving youth (ages 6-24) at high risk of or have disconnected from school or work Community investments, funding programs throughout the state serving some our most vulnerable youth (homeless, foster care, juvenile justice involved youth) Primarily fund community based organizations, but also fund Schools and Education Service Districts, and Tribes.
Description of Grant Programs Youth & Gangs The Youth and Gangs Program supports gang prevention and intervention services for youth ages 6-24 at high risk of being involved or impacted by gangs. These grants address the risk and protective factors associated with youth gang involvement, violence, and crime through the implementation of effective evidence-based, research-based, and practice- based prevention and intervention approaches.
Description of Grant Programs continued Youth & Workforce and Innovation The Workforce & Innovation Program support innovative and sustainable efforts that improve education and/or workforce success for youth ages 6-24, with an emphasis on youth ages 14-24 who are disconnected from school and/or work. This grant is intended to support programming that includes educational reengagement, career connected learning, post-secondary access, and support services to ensure stability and success for youth facing significant barriers to education and employment.
Description of Grant Programs continued Youth and Community The Youth and Community program support prevention and intervention services for youth ages 6-24 who are disconnected from – or at risk of disconnecting from – school and work. They address risk factors that, if left unaddressed, could lead to more costly outcomes: lower educational attainment, homelessness, and criminal activity. Youth and Community Grants are funded from a combination of Federal Title XX Youth Investment funds received from the Department of Human Services, and a General Fund appropriation. The Title XX Youth Investment funding is limited to services for children ages 13-18, however, the state investment enables a broader service range.
Fluid Review Online platform Easy to use and navigate Keeps track of reviews completed Save and go back No need to have paper or pencil Computer, laptop, tablet Helps us monitor and send reminder emails
Signing in to Fluid Review To get started, go to https://oregonyouth.fluidreview.com. In the Sign in field on the right side (shown in the red box), enter your email address (the one you’ve shared with the YDC) and then for password use “ydd” and sign in. You will then be able to reset your password.
Signing in, continued On the next screen, you’ll be prompted to create a new password. Enter “reviewer” for your old password, and create a new one. Passwords must be at least 6 characters. When done, select Save Password, and you will be taken to your home screen.
Initial Step: Declaration Form Prior to reviewing any grants, you must read and sign a declaration form. This form covers 3 topics: Confidentiality Tribal Sovereignty; and Real or potential Conflicts of Interest To complete this form, click START under the Actions column
Initial Step: Declaration Form Cont. There is a space for your signature at the end of the declaration form, and in the shorter version Conflict of Interest statement you need to sign before reading each grant. Use your mouse to sign your name by left clicking and holding that left button while drawing your name. If you are not satisfied with the result, click the CLEAR button to the right and try again. Click SAVE & EXIT when you’re done.
Application Review Once the Declaration Form is complete, you will see the grant applications assigned to you for review on the lower portion of the Reviewer Summary, under the heading: Applicants to be Reviewed.
Initiating Review
Questions THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! If you are have any questions please feel free to contact me at: Abraham.Magana@state.or.us Phone number: 503-378-5176 We thank you for your valuable assistance in the YDD Grant Review process.